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UI / UX browser password fill in super annoying


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Dear Enpass community,

i come from 1password and would really like to use Enpass as the new gold standard, but i must say, the smooth integration and workflow like 1p is not soooo good.

Problem 1)
The app itself is super slick and easy to use, but for example please make the password and other fields complete row clickable, i dont want to seek the little tiny copy button on the side.

Problem 2)
Im in the browser (Chrome) and there is a password login form, then i unlock Enpass from the context under the input field aaaaaaand then, the browser opens a new tab and searching for the main app, then the app appears which i need to unlock again, after this its stays open. Now i need to switch to the browser again and click on the input field, the Enpass context menu is unlocked and i fill in the password from the page, but now... i need to authorize Enpass AGAIN. wohaaaa. THIS IS SUPER ANNOYING. 

Please fix this user interaction for a full smooth user experience.

Thx in advance



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