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iOS Edge -> Enpass connection


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I have been using ENPASS as my default Vault for years and it works great for Safari, but with Edge I can’t seem to get this to connect with Enpass on my iPad or iPhone. Each time I visit a website on Edge and it requests a password I only see the ones saved in Edge and it will not allow me to find or link to Enpass.

Does anyone know how to get Edge to link to Enpass?



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Hi @Subzero

Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

For troubleshooting purposes, please ensure that you are using Safari Keyboard,  then turn on autofill from system Settings> password and choose Enpass. In case this setting is already enabled, try disabling and enabling it again.

If the issue persists, please share the below details with me and I'll have this further investigated for you -

  1. The version of the Enpass app, OS and Edge browser you are using.
  2. Are you facing this issue on all webpages or any particular ones? Kindly share the URL of a few so we may check them.
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