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Logitech G Cloud - running Android 11 - Enpass just force closes


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I got a new cloud gaming device over the holidays and Enpass is not playing well with it. It runs a pretty stock version of Android 11 with full Google services loaded. I can install Enpass from the Play Store and it allows me to go through the setup process and setup the first vault. Once the first vault is setup, the app just force closes itself every time I try to run it. I can clear the cache and it still happens. I can do a full clear of the data and it goes through the setup process again, but with the same end result of force closing after that. 

Any thoughts or advice on how to get this to work?

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Hi @R-M

We were able to reproduce the bug on our end due to which this issue is occurring. In addition, Enpass developers have confirmed that future builds will include a fix for this reported concern. We have put this issue on a high priority and are working hard to resolve it as quickly as possible. We appreciate your support and patience in the meantime.

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