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Enpass Discussion Forum

Overwriting of passwords with "auto update" function


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A few minutes ago I updated a password in Enpass. I confirmed the popup to auto update the corresponding entry and then realized that ALL fields with the type "password" got overwritten, e.g. backup codes and recovery codes. Thanks to the ability of viewing the history I could save the loss. But this seems to be a big fat bug...!!

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Hi @Schtief

Please share the below details with me and I'll get this checked for you. -

  1. The version of the OS you are using.

  2. Are you facing this issue for all Items or any particular ones?

  3. Have you recently imported the Items? If yes, kindly share the name and version of the password manager from which the Items have been imported.

  4. Try creating a new Item, then check and confirm if you are facing this issue on that newly created Item?

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