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Error syncing from 2 devices on iCloud


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Hi all,

I have 3 devices in sync (iCloud):

  • iOS
  • Mac
  • Windows

On the Mac, it was normal that from time to time, I need to re-login because the authentication was expired. Sometimes, I was doing it at the time of Enpass informs about that and some other times I did it weeks later.

The problem is that, today and since some time ago (some days at least), I'm not able to authenticate Enpass on Mac nor on Windows. iOS is working fine and synced.

I have been adding/changing passwords on each device, so each device has a different numbers of items created on different and mixed dates, so I cannot remove and add the sync, because I don't want to lose anything.

I've tried to authenticate using different browsers without success. Different OS (Mac and Windows 11) too (both failing). iCloud username and password are fine.

I'm attaching a screenshot of the error from Mac.

Any solution for this?


Captura de pantalla 2023-11-13 a las 19.49.59.png

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Hi @pepinfc

For troubleshooting purposes, please create manual backup of your data on your devices, then try following the below steps –

  1. Remove the synchronization from all the connected devices. While doing so, you will also get an option to 'Delete data from Cloud account'. Please proceed with it and after doing it, enable the synchronization again first on the device with the most recent data and then on the rest of the devices.

  2. Could you please check and confirm that the time setting is set to automatic on all the devices and there is no time difference? If they are not, kindly set it to automatic.

  3. Ensure that you have allowed access to Enpass in your Firewall/Antivirus Settings. Moreover, if you are using any VPN service, try disabling it to check if the issue persists.

  4. If you have enabled iCloud Advanced data protection, try disabling it.

  5. If you have a manual backup/synchonization set up for your data, try reinstalling the Enpass app on the affected device.

If the issue persists, please share the below details -

  1. The version of the Enpass app and OS you are using on your devices.

  2. Any Firewall/Antivirus/VPN service you are using.

  3. Have you enabled iCloud Advanced data protection?

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Hi @Abhishek Dewan,

Unfortunately and as mentioned in my previous message, there is no "most recent data" because all the devices were adding data on his own, so all of them have data not available in the rest of devices. Anyway, I have read your entire message and I have found the reason why the sync stopped working:

iCloud Advanced data protection

Question: Is it possible to use this iCloud Advanced data protection somehow with Enpass? What should I do to not lose the sync between devices as it happened?

Thank you.

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Hi @pepinfc

There are two methods through which the Enpass app interacts with iCloud:

  1. Direct iCloud Account Usage (Mac Store Version Only): Users can utilize their iCloud account directly from the system without any additional authentication, but please note that this feature is exclusive to the Mac Store version.

  2. Browser Navigation with iCloud Account Credentials: Alternatively, users can access iCloud by navigating through a web browser, where they need to input their iCloud account credentials.

During our investigation, we identified a bug in the store version that was disrupting the functionality mentioned in the first point. We are pleased to inform you that this issue has been addressed and resolved in the latest release. Consequently, users with one vault and the Mac Store version of the app can now seamlessly sync with ADP enabled.

For users utilizing the website version, we recommend trying the store version if you intend to sync only one vault with iCloud.


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Hi @Abhishek Dewan,

Thanks for your answer, but my question is more focused in the iCloud Advanced data protection. I assume that you propose to use the Mac App Store version directly, so iCloud Advanced data protection won't cause any issues. Is this right?

The previous would solve the Mac issue but, what about the Windows issue? How can I keep Enpass in sync using iCloud + iCloud Advanced data protection between iPhone (it was working), Mac (I assume using the Mac App Store version would work) and Windows (which was failing too)? How to solve this issue in Windows?


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