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sync with Google Drive: Something went wrong.Error -1.[SOLVED]


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I came here to say I am experiencing the same thing, only with Dropbox :(

I previously set up syncing then yesterday saw that it was no longer connected to Dropbox. When I tried reconnecting I received an error code of 204007.

I deleted my local instance (except for the backups) and now get Something went wrong. Error -1.

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I managed to fix my problem (syncing with Dropbox):

- I couldn't connect to the App Store previously, so that option was out. I decided to address that issue by upgrading to Mac OS Mojave.
- Once the OS was upgraded, I removed the standalone app (it still didn't connect) and deleted everything except for the backups via the Enpass app
- I then downloaded the app via the App Store
- I authenticated via Dropbox, got the redirect prompt and this time Enpass synced with my Dropbox account!

@iota – Depending on your situation, you may want to try something similar. Hope you get your problem sorted!

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@davea  @Vinod Kumar

Thank you for your reply, I think I found the problem. For some reason, I need to open google through Shadowsocks (VPN). The new version of Enpass (6.0.0) will be interfered by Shadowsocks in the redirect, resulting in the software not responding in time.
I just did an experiment. First open the Enpass in the case of Shadowsocks. After getting the authorization of the dropbox, then I closed Shadowsocks and clicked the "redirect" button. Enpass was successfully received, but unfortunately, if I Open Shadowsocks again, dropbox sync will report error: 204056.
if I change the cloud to google drive, after I click the "redirect" button, Enpass will go into a crash state, I guess it may be caused by the inability to access google.
I will ponder over it again, thank you again for your help.

Edited by iota
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