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How to restore an Enpass backup to hidden file on Google Drive?


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Am running Enpass 6.0.0 on a Windows 10 PC.  My Enpass database is a hidden file on Google Drive.

I see there's auto backups and found how to save a manual backup, (I assume it's from the hidden file on Google Drive), but I can't find a restore function to restore the backup to the hidden file on Google Drive.  How is that done?


Edited by skylark
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Hey @skylark 

I would like to share that with the release of version 6, Enpass uses the App folder for the synchronization which saves the data internally. It's hidden and can only be accessed by the app.

To view Enpass file please follow these steps:

  • Open Google Drive in any browser --> Click on Setting icon --> Click on Settings --> Manage Apps --> Enpass

Hope this answer your question.

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Hi Anshu,

Vinod already told me about the hidden folder in Google Drive in this thread:


My question is how to restore a backup on my local hard drive to Google Drive as the hidden backup, should the hidden Enpass file on Google Drive be lost or corrupt.  No sense in doing backups if there's no way to restore a backup to Google Drive.

Thank you for your quick response.  Much appreciated.

Edited by skylark
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  • 2 weeks later...

Still waiting for a reply on how to restore a backup to the hidden file on Google Drive.

Enpass provides a way to make a backup of the database, and I see that's there's a way to delete the hidden file on Google Drive (should it get corrupt or whatever).  But there's no provision in Enpass to restore the backup as a hidden file on Google Drive that I can find.

Please let us know how to restore a backup to Google Drive.  Thanks.

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