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Enpass Discussion Forum

Enpass won't up[date from 5.6.9


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I have Enpass 5.6.9 installed and working except for 'sync'.

I've followed the instructions to install version 6 for Suse 15 but finish up with this message:

linux-sbgt:/home/crb999 # zypper install enpass
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'enpass' is already installed.
No update candidate for 'enpass-'. The highest available version is already installed.
Resolving package dependencies...

Nothing to do.
linux-sbgt:/home/crb999 #

What should I do next?

I decided to update because the googledrive sync no longer works on the 5.6.9 version while working fine on all the android machines.




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I think it is worse than that. I have the same problem with Linux Mint. I followed all the instructions; apt-get says I have the latest version (, but Enpass itself (in 'About') claims it's 5.6.9. Therefore the browser extensions do not work.

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