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Right click > Copy Password and Copy Username


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In v5 Enpass on Windows, I remember you could simply right click on an entry and select Copy Password or Copy Username.   Now in v6 you need to go to the detail level and click the copy icon.   While this is just a couple extra clicks and pretty minor, it does seem like a step backwards in usability.  


Please add right click > Copy Password and Copy Username in v6 like there was in v5

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11 hours ago, cpyne said:

In v5 Enpass on Windows, I remember you could simply right click on an entry and select Copy Password or Copy Username.   Now in v6 you need to go to the detail level and click the copy icon.   While this is just a couple extra clicks and pretty minor, it does seem like a step backwards in usability.  


Please add right click > Copy Password and Copy Username in v6 like there was in v5

If you pay enough attention, you will also notice that the context menu is no longer contextual. You need to first click on the item you want, and then right click. If you just hover over an item, it will not show the context menu relative to that.

And this happens because Enpass 6 was not designed to be a proper, well thought,  native desktop app. Context menus, typing, fonts, keyboard shortcuts, all things that used to be great at Enpass 5 are now awful. The desktop app manages to look alien on all platforms it supports. And since the developers already got the users money, because everyone who used v5 has already purchased and paid for the mobile apps, they will not fix it and they will not improve it. Radio silence on any post that complains about the desktop app.

They just don't care. 

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That's too bad.  I hope the devs will prove you wrong.  

I'll admit that I blindly bought v6 because v5 really seemed perfect and I figured 6 could only be an improvement.   I'll look around at competitors next time.  




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