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Wrong fill of fields at bank login


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My enpass fails to fill correctly login credentials at a bank login page.
URL of bank login is : https://onba.zkb.ch/page/logon/logon.page
In enpass, I use a standard login template to store the login credentials
When I open the website with enpass, the credential information is filled in the wrong fields.
(furthermore, enpass doen't seam to detect that the website is a login site - no auto creation possible when visiting the page manualy)
Any suggestion on how to use enpass on the site ? Thank you.

Fields on login form are (details see below) :
- Loginname :  field "f:vertrag"
- Password : field "f:passwort"

Used enpas version 6.0.2 (I do not see any related topic in release notes for 6.1)

<input maxlength="11" o-js-validated="grosserBetrag,maxlength,pattern,capslock,required" o-pattern="/^700-[0-9]+$/" type="text" o-maxlength="11" o-required="true" ng-model="fvertrag" o-minlength="10" name="f:vertrag" ng-init="fvertrag = '700-'" id="f:vertrag" onkeydown="onba.onKeyDown(event);" value="700-" class="input-text input-large ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-invalid-pattern ng-valid-required ng-valid-maxlength ng-invalid-minlength ng-not-empty ng-touched" style="">

<input maxlength="32" o-js-validated="grosserBetrag,maxlength,pattern,capslock,required" type="password" o-maxlength="32" o-required="true" ng-model="fpasswort" o-minlength="3" name="f:passwort" ng-init="fpasswort = ''" id="f:passwort" onkeydown="onba.onKeyDown(event);" o-capslock="true" value="" class="input-text input-large passwordField ng-pristine ng-valid-capslock ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-maxlength ng-valid-minlength ng-empty ng-touched" style="">

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Hi @mhe

Thanks for reporting this issue and we are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.


To investigate further on this issue I want a little input from your side so please let me know the following:

  • On which device (along with OS version) are you using Enpass?
  • Which Enpass version are you using?
  • What is your Default browser?

Thanks for your co-operation!

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