please would like to implement a key or file for authentication beyond just the password ? and can also add 2 -factor authentication to open the keychain
sorry bad english
I still have the same problem with 5.5 and build 15048 but the Enpass team did work through it with me on an older build. The conclusion was it was broken by changes made by Microsoft. Since it works for some I guess there may be some other effects at play too.
I know it's already on the roadmap, but I still would like to +1 this feature!
Really loving Enpass, also bought the mobile app, which is working fine! Multiple vaults, so I can use a shared vault for work and a personal one for my private stuff would really be great. I would even pay for it as of a pro feature!
I'd like to share some logins with other people. As I understand the feature currently, I'm only able to send a login to someone and he han import it to his own enpass application/vault.
Whenever I change the password or alter something else in this login, the data in the other vault is not updated.
enpass should offer a possibility for a "two-way-share". This could i.e. be achieved with the ability of having multiple password vaults, one could then be shared with someone else. For example through a shared OneDrive folder or so...
I am running the latest Windows 10 Insider Preview and have not been able to get the extension to work. I get the option when I right click a username/password entry but nothing happens when I click it (just closes the context menu). This has been the same with the older 5.3.1 beta and the latest 5.4 beta.
Hi @DustinDauncey,
Here we are planning to introduce a rich icon support for URLs and of course, our team is putting vast efforts to deliver the best. At the moment I can't confirm any ETA.
Keep suggesting.
Thanks a lot