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Enpass Discussion Forum


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/23 in all areas

  1. Please give me a hint as to whether or not Enpass is still being developed before I go ahead and purchase Strongbox (which is actively developed and whose demise would not be a problem because it uses an open format). If so, what gives it the appearance of being lifeless? I want to know exactly what I'm getting into before I spend any time and money switching password managers. flyingtogether.ual.com login I've noticed that Enpass hardly ever gets updated. (even minor). It's great that the browser extension has seen significant development in recent times, but that's all there has been. There has been no news about a redesign, no new features, and no other indication that Enpass is still being actively developed. If updates were made on a regular basis, it might be something, but as it stands, it can be months before even a minor update is released to fix bugs. It appears that reported bugs are not being fixed for months after they are reported. In most cases, that means the project has been scrapped, but it could also mean that a major update is being worked on behind the scenes. Looks like I'm not alone here.
    1 point
  2. I understand it's not possible to give precise information. But you must have some information to share. Some new exciting features or whatever may be interesting and show you are really developing it. Users are not necessarily asking for ETA, but just info to know if something is planned somewhere in the near future. Just to know that you are actually really developping Enpass (and not just telling you are without actually doing it) I'm testing several password manager. Some developed by larger companies, other by very small teams. In both cases, they have many more updates. Some even share vague information about what's probably coming up this year. Just to show they hear the users, they are actually working hard. Enpass on the opposite is completely opaque, or deaf. That's actually quite worrying. I noticed I'm not the only person who is wondering what's actually happening. This might definitely cost you users...
    1 point
  3. I rather demand that the software is actively developed and good communication. New features are nice, but active maintenance and communication about the current development is an absolute requirement, especially where there are minor updates every 5-6 months only. I will ask again: - Is Enpass still actively developed? (or is it basically dead beside a few rare minor maintenance update solving only the most severe bugs) - If yes, then what is currently going on? Why is there no news for months about what is going on, why does it looks like a dead software? What is the roadmap? Could you communicate a bit more? Thank you.
    1 point
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