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  1. Double clicking a folder doesn't open it as one would expect, but activates renaming. I honestly think it should just open the folder, I mean how many times does one really need to rename folders
  2. Totally agree. Would also be nice to see a roadmap for Enpass, as far as I can see (being a customer for a couple of years) nothing major has happened in a long time. What's the status with v6, what is it going to bring, are we getting multiple vaults within one process, are you going to improve the Touch ID functionality etc. etc. ?
  3. Cannot change credentials for cloud sync Hi, This issue has been bothering me for a long time but now I will report it and hopefully it gets fixed. Every time I change my password, Enpass sync breaks (of course) but it does not let me to update the password. I have to disconnect (delete the whole sync) and create it again. Yes, this means typing that long ownCloud webdav path, username and the new password. This is a major pain in my ass, especially when typing with mobile phone. So please, would you make it possible to update the password without deleting and re-creating the sync profile. This issue exists on both iOS and macOS versions (at least).
  4. LKo

    TOTP not working correctly

    Thank you for replying. Glad to hear it is a known limitation and is on your roadmap!
  5. LKo

    TOTP not working correctly

    Any developers around?
  6. Hi, Does Enpass only support 6-digit sha1 TOTPs? If so, why is that? I generated 8-digit sha256 TOTP and Enpass shows it as 6-digit and calculates the code incorrectly.
  7. Newest, 10.12.5 90 items I was checking TOTP codes and adding new entries. Happened every time I tried to use or add one.
  8. Updated to the newest version 5.5.5 (92). It just hangs quite soon after startup. Takes 100% of CPU and becomes unresponsive. Tried to disable ownCloud sync, didn't have any effect.
  9. Exactly what others said. Currently using Touch ID is almost as inconvenient as typing a password Thanks for the new features and keep up the good work!
  10. Thanks @Anshu kumar for replying. I'm using App Store version of Enpass, are you running a beta program through TestFlight or how can I migrate to the beta version?
  11. This still happens! Any update, please?
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