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MoonRaven last won the day on August 18 2023

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  1. On the downloads page (https://www.enpass.io/downloads/) you have the store link on the right and on the left it has the regular download link wich is a .exe.
  2. Enpass should just respect the OS' certificates. That would solve the issues. Even when it's using Fiddler (as an example, but I'm 99% sure that that is not being used in any of these cases).
  3. Like even having a public bug tracker would help next to a roadmap. I've seen a lot of "Our dedicated team is currently looking into this concern, and we will provide you with an update as soon as possible" (which never comes), "Please note that we already have a feature request for the same and aligned for implementation in the future." over 2 years after the initial request with a "Support for Yubikey is already on our development roadmap." years later it's still not here and there still isn't any ETA. It is baffling that simple changes are always added to a backlog that never seems to clear. You'd think that enpass gets enough money to at least have 1 developer dedicated on the product, yet when I look at the changelog, I highly doubt that. I personally am hosting a Vaultwarden server with a bitwarden frontend. Not 100% happy with it, but at least it is being updated a lot. Man.. A roadmap would be nice, even if it was without estimated dates.
  4. Funny thing is that they can just programmatically take the datetime of the computer and use the year from that for the copyright notice... They keep saying things are forwarded to the development team. That may be true, even if the development team consists of 0 people
  5. Yup, Enpass could've been a market leader if it actually was something they still wanted to develop...
  6. The thing is that they promise a lot, look at Yubikey support, it was promised 3 years ago and we still don't have it. Half a year ago the development team was "working on it", still nothing. Generally people have strong recommendations against a product because they still want to believe in the product. I personally am looking at migrating away from Enpass...
  7. Wow, I decided to check up on this again and it got even worse...
  8. I've moved my passwords to bitwarden due to this. In the long run, it seems like the cheapest place and yes, I pay for it. I think Enpass is a great solution, the business management is just really messed up. I do hope you'll fix your business model at some point. We all want you to succeed, we all want to move on from this blemish. On the other hand, the removal of the mobile banner has taken over 3 months already. As a software developer myself, it's clear this has 0 priority. Having an option to hide it would take me less than a day. Including review in iOS and Android, it would've taken a couple of days at best. Point is. I'm just really sad that a product I've actively promoted is going this route. In the last couple of months, I compare this to freemake. A product that has featureset x, you pay for it as a lifetime subscription.. Then it has feautreset x+y, It's also a lifetime subscription, but y is excluded from the previous subscription. Their lifetime subscription keeps expanding, but never does it include the new options. It's not a way to run a business. Either be honest and kill of lifetime subscriptions and honor the ones you have (like malwarebytes) or be honest and offer a great deal to your current lifetime subscribers explaining that new features aren't feasible. And no, a 50 cent discount on a year subscription does not count as that. The subscription you're offering is even more expensive compared to the new lifetime subscription you offered for the new premium subscription for $25. Again, I have promoted Enpass in the past, I like the product, I just hate the business model you're going for and due to that, I have to actively send people away from the product. The reason I post this is because I care way more than I should. Most people will just cut their losses and move on.
  9. Everyone in that topic was talking about the pro lifetime subscription, so saying "Hey, contact us at support@enpass.io and we can offer it price x as a lifetime upgrade". The only thing I saw was that someone got 25% off, which is still a lot more than what premium lifetime was offered at a couple of months ago.
  10. Yes, through MyAppFree. https://www.androidauthority.com/enpass-password-manager-pro-key-free-667225/
  11. Why are offers only given to people behind closed doors? We were asking for some deal in and it was ignored
  12. Doubt you'll get a reply. So far they're not willing to do more than give the same standard reply. Due to the LastPass changes, people are looking for a new password manager and due to the shady business practice, me and others have recommended people to steer away. It's a shame, but oh well... Either stop with lifetime all together and honor all current subscriptions or stop with it all together. I can understand a charge for the people who got pro for free, but for the people who paid...
  13. Given that they've shown that they locked the other post where they promised things and didn't get to it ( , I doubt soon. I really had great hopes for Enpass, but they overpromise and underdeliver. Hell, I've recommended it to so many people, but they only use canned responses lately. I've even seen someone who had an upgrade option for their lifetime subscription, even though I never had one. The price was higher than the offer that new users had months ago (39.99 vs 24.99). Their ratings on the appstores have dropped. I legit am sad about this all..
  14. So... My desktop app got updated, according to that, 0 of my accounts are compromised. According to the android app, 2 of my websites have been compromised... This doesn't really inspire confidence...
  15. Android got updated, still no fix for this.
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