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Posts posted by Fadi

  1. Well I am here just to let enpass team know that we have been waiting for many major features and major release for enpass to keep it self updated to the industry standards. People have been requesting several features to make sure enpass becomes the best password manager in market but I assume enpass does not want any customer base anymore to stick to it since past few years I have been waiting patiently for enpass to work on new features and listen to it's customers but we ended up being told that our request has been forwarded to development team and after that nothing came out with any new features. Enpass v6 was released 5 years ago in 2018 and now it is 2023 in past 5 years things have changed a lot in password manager industry. Enpass maybe unique for it's offline usage but rest assured is not being maintained the way it should be. There is no roadmap no updates about any new features. Every feature request made on forum is being ignored. No implementation of FIDO2. I mean I can go on and on and on with list of the features and options people have been requesting but non of those were implemented. I thought maybe soon they will add all new features with a major release of v7 but that is not happening any sooner.

    I have been using almost every password manager including

    Lastpass, Keeper, Bitwarden, Nordpass, Roboform, Stickypassword, passwordboss, dashlane, 1password and few others but now there is a new password manager which checks all the boxes for me and it even provides you temporary emails and passkey support. It might be new and fresh in market but after reviewing and testing it's features I think it is time to say goodbye to enpass and move everything to locker.io password manager. I am glad to be part of enpass for a very long time but enough is enough and I have had enough of this wait.

    I would like to thank you enpass team for serving us with this great piece of software which I still love to use but I have my own reasons explained. In future I will keep an eye on enpass as I have lifetime subscription and will monitor it's progress but until than I am done with enpass and there are many others like me who stopped using enpass due to its slow development as everyone wants new and better softwares specially when it is about personal security. Password manager being offline is not enough to keep customers engaged as in the end to end up uploading your enpass database somewhere on cloud storage services to use it remotely anywhere in the world. All enpass had to do was listen to us and add features to enpass but you guys did not listened to us. So have a great journey in this competitive and features pack industry. Sooner or later you guys will realize that you need to keep up the pace if you want to keep your customers and trust me just google about enpass and find out how much enpass has disappointed it's customers by just not keeping it self updated.


    Thank you and good bye.

  2. I don't think this will be implemented any sooner. Because people have been requesting many useful major features but i have never seen them being implemented. Development in enpass is very very slow. No new features but few bug fixes in every update. I just hope they will listen to us and implement because if they don't it's gonna bad and people will move to other better available options. We love enpass but when it comes to lack of features it hurts us as i have been using almost every available password manager i can see not every password manager is perfect but that's why we are here in first place to suggest and help enpass to become better than all others. I just hope it happens sooner or enpass will lose it's customers.

    • Like 3
  3. People expect Enpass to come back with new and improved features, but it's unclear what's happening behind the scenes.No buddy has even a clue if enpass is even planning to release any new version with major upgrades including new features. They have made features request section in forum, but mostly those requests get noted than no buddy knows if anyone is even working on them. The response received only acknowledges that the request has been forwarded and that it will be reviewed. However, there is no indication as to when the requested feature will be implemented.

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  4. @Thoughts? The only question I have is how do we make it more secure from unknown access. Storing a security key file in an encrypted vault requires unlocking the vault before accessing the file and unlocking Enpass. Once the volume is unlocked, it becomes vulnerable to RAT attacks and enpass may be subject to key logging. Therefore, it is crucial to find a more robust encryption solution that ensures no unauthorized access to the database. Enpass must be able to access both the database and the security key files simultaneously for maximum security. Storing these files in separate Cryptomator vaults will not suffice as neither vault will function unless both are unlocked. Furthermore, once both vaults are unlocked, anyone could potentially gain access to them, compromising the security of both files. Enpass is maybe not crackable, but it is hackable with much easier tricks than the other password managers.

  5. Well due to this lack of security feature I have started using Bitwarden which seems to be much more secure. @hacked_user I am just in love with enpass, but I cannot risk it for a few accounts including my bank and everything else I have moved those logins to Bitwarden which requires more security. I just hope they will come up with a solution since security key needs to be accessed by enpass to unlock it even if you use cryptomator or any other tool to encrypt it when you want to load it in enpass you have to unlock that encryption for enpass to load that file which also allow remote access to access that mounted drive. So having a security key file is not a reliable solution in my opinion. FIDO2 can be implemented since it is even an offline password manager but still it goes to enpass server or to App Store on Mac and Windows to check and receive updates, so it is not 100% offline. I think if they want to implement this it can be done. I understand @Thoughts? explanation but there are encryption tools who are using Yubikey (Example: HiCrypt.com, Veracrypt.fr) I am not a programmer or don't know much in depth stuff all I need is a much more secure way to encrypt my enpass data with 2FA or security key. I own almost every company: Trezor, Ledger, Yubikey 5, Nitro key 3, Token2, Solo key, Onlykey. I know it is a bit complicated and time-taking process to implement something like this, but this is something which needs serious attention and solution. I saw other people also requesting this from past few years but still it is not developed. I just hope they will get it done some day.

  6. Ok so this happens when you update your macos and in mac there are 2 applications folders. 1 is for default mac apps and second applications folder gets created when you update your macos and second applications folder contains user installed apps. Just move all apps from second applications folder (user installed apps) to first applications folder. Before doing that kill all applications to make sure you don't get any error. This is the only possible solution i found for myself.

  7. @Thoughts? So in short 2FA or FIDO2 cannot be implemented with enpass and once your system got hacked and hacker keylogged you and downloaded your database and enpass key file there is nothing you can do to protect yourself? Bitwarden is way better than loosing my all passwords just because enpass is not able to implement 2FA which i am not sure why is not possible to implement even with yubikey. Because no matter where you secure your key file even in cryptomator enpass requires access to that file and once the cryptomator vault is unlocked you can access all files using any RAT. So how come enpass calls it self secure when you have to have access to key file or master password which can be keylogged or even key file can be stolen? Just because enpass is encrypting database is not enough. What enpass is doing to secure that database once key file and database and master password gets stolen?

  8. @Steve Hansen @Thoughts? Well there is another option also which can be implemented which is using hardware security key like yubikey or you can save that 2FA code in encrypted enpass database. This will add security layer because that 6 digit code is not generated on computer instead it will be generated on mobile device. Until we do not enter 2FA or plugin hardware key it will not be unlocked like key file. But keeping key file on same pc even in encrypted cryptomator drive won't work because in the end you have to unlock cryptomator to access key file. But otp gets generated on mobile phone or using yubikey is much more safer way to implement encryption instead of using key file. I am amazed to hear that it cannot be implemented or even will not protect encrypted files if that is the case than why bitwarden has it? If you are not using cloud version and using self hosted version like enpass it still has those security implementations to secure the vault and database. If 2FA or FiDO2 do nothing to secure anything then i think all those giants are dumb who are moving to those options doesn't matter if it is online or offline.

    Thank you Thoughts? But the approach you have mentioned i have already implemented. The problem is once your cryptomator vault is unlocked it can be access remotely and without unlocking vault no one will be able to access their enpass database and in real world case scenario if your system is hacked by a RAT then cryptomator vault/drive can also be accessed remotely.

    So in short 2FA or FIDO can be implemented. There is not even a single possible reason or explanation which justifies that it cannot be implemented or implementation of these will not secure your database.

  9. @stefmanWell it sounds like no buddy cares about security. Even after what happened to LastPass Enpass must consider adding security layers for data stored in enpass but no support for hardware keys no support for 2FA. No major new features released since last year, and we do not even know where the roadmap is located, so we can see when it will be implemented and i have no longer any hope for this in near future.

  10. Well since past 2 years i have been using enpass and it worked as expected but some how it was lack in security of data as i described it few months ago in this thread below

    I have been waiting for Enpass team to get it done but it seems there is no chance of getting 2FA any sooner and i have ended up deciding to stop using enpass until it gets this feature as there is no point is using something what it is supposed to do at it's best but this issue regarding stealing data and password from enpass using malware is scaring me. Thank you enpass team for listening to my requests. Even though I am a lifetime subscriber I am going to stop using it. Sad to leave enpass and moving to other much secure option as i am a security freak and my 20 years of online experience dosn't allow me to use something unsecure as enpass. Have a great future and will see if enpass gets much more secure than maybe some day i will move back to it but until than BYE BYE

  11. @Abhishek DewanThank you for your concern but once a system is hacked and hacker got all files of enpass and he keylog that system there is no point in bruteforcing as he already have password and can unlock vault. Adding 2FA to secure it more will be a better way even if a hacker got keyfile, vault and password he still must need 2FA code to access that vault.

  12. As i have been using enpass for past several months i even got to know about enpass key file to enhance vault security but there are still few concerns which i am about to share.

    1: for security new users do not know about enpass key and once a new user have created primary vault then it is almost not possible for them to move to another vault and keep primary vault without enpass key. There is no option to set or change default primary vault if i want to.

    2: Even if you have created primary vault with enpass key it can be hacked very easily. Enpass Database + keyfile is located on same system once a hacker got into your pc using RAT which is very common scenario they can access your all files in drive and using key logger they can capture your password for enpass. So when a hacker have access to a pc having enpass keyfile does not make it secure. I am a security researcher and i know what i am talking about. Now a days malware have became so intelligent they can be asked to find specific file on that computer or even on that network and once they find name of extension matching file it can be uploaded to hacker's server. having 2FA on Authy or Google Authenticator or which ever you use is much more reliable way to add an extra layer of security to your enpass vault.


    Why don't we put a 2FA by default for primary vault? Even if it is protected by key file on new device vault must ask for 2FA code? It can be implemented and user gets to choose if they want keyfile and 2FA both activated or only key file or only 2FA.


    I have tested the scenario (2) explained above using my personal computers and i was able to access it very easily. It is my humble request to add this 2FA including keyfile to make enpass more secure and a single keyfile and a password is not enough to secure it. even if we keep keyfile on a USB drive our vault needs it and when we will connect our USB to that pc for vault unlocking it can be accessed by hackers like all other normal drives.

    Also please add feature to change primary vault if someone creates a new vault with keyfile or how ever there must be an option to change primary vault. I hope i am not missing anything and was able to explain it clearly but if i am missing something please do let me know.

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  13. @Abhishek Dewan I have 2 vaults in macbook app and i have created keyfile for secondary vault. Yes i know when we restore vault it requires keyfile and password but every time i try to restore vault it says keyfile and password does not match. i have tried this 3 times as i have described in details above. I never ever tried to restore vault without keyfile or even with wrong keyfile. after first time i thought i have made mistake and keyfile is wrong but after testing this 2 more times very carefully generating key file and loading it again to restore i always get error that keyfile and password does not match. i have even tried ti note down my password and generated keyfile in separate folder but still error was same.

  14. @AnthonyBMaybe you are looking it the other way. Enpass may not have yubikey support which i think it must have but moving to lastpass is not a good move. i have been using password managers since last 14 years and i have used all major of them but before enpass i ended up using roboform. Then i found enpass and it was one time payment and all data is holded in my personal cloud. now if we come into dept of cloud lastpass has faced damage in past and from that time people have stopped trusting it. They are maybe promoting better then enpass by giving free subscriptions to YouTubers but they are not what you think. I even right now have lastpass subscription valid until 2023 but trust me that will be your worst decision. everyone has own opinion but i must say when it comes to security lastpass is not the end. If you just want to move because you need yubikey support then i must say you should go for bitwarden rather then paying lastpass for their shady past.

    I have bitwarden also and it works perfectly with yubikey. It's way much cheaper, better and stronger then lastpass. I am way too much conscious about my security and i use every possible encryption where ever i can even with enpass. My enpass database is encrypted with cryptomator even database itself is already encrypted but to keep my brain satisfied i used cryptomator. Then instead of using dropbox, box, google or any thing like those who can view my data even it is encrypted twice i use icedrive.net webdav as they also have encrypted storage.

    As it is about security yubikey is not the end for enpass. You can enable keyfile in your database to activate 2FA in enpass database and secure that with yubikey,pgp or cryptomator.

    When does your data gets leaked, or hacked?

    When you become lazy and you think a single security layer can save you from leaking your passwords. i am myself big fan of yubikey but instead of yubikey features in enpass there are many other options but if you are looking for easy solution to add security layer then easy solutions comes with great risks. i have lost 13 gmail account just because i mistakenly reset my yubikey.

    So in the end the thing is before choosing your options do some research instead of following others footsteps and be creative with your security of your data and Yes yubikey is a must have feature when it comes to security but until we do not have that in enpass we just need to be creative.

  15. I am 24/7 enpass user and while reading white paper one enpass today i found out about key file to make my database more secure as keyfile works as 2FA for database.

    First i created a database with keyfile and copied my primary vault data to the new vault. Then i connected my new vault to webdav on icedrive.net after syncing everything to my cloud storage i wanted to remove primary vault and keep using the new vault with keyfile. I removed all databases from my enpass and started restoring new vault from icedrive.net once i came to the step where is asks for password and keyfile it gave me error that my keyfile and password does not match. I was bit curious that i have made a mistake somewhere and hopefully i have my primary vault backup so let's do it again but after doing it second time and writing down my password just to make sure i am typing the right password it gave me same error. Then i removed new vault again and created another vault. I connected that new vault to dropbox but guess what? keyfile and password did not matched again. Now this cannot be coincidence as i can be wrong once or twice but not thrice.

    Then i created a new vault with new key and copied my primary vault to new Database but this time i did not connected to cloud and kept it offline. I took and backup of my new vault and removed all vaults from my enpass. Uninstalled enpass from my mac and after reinstalling i tried to restore from backup but again keyfile and password did not match.


    Is there anyone who can tell me what exactly is doing on and where am i wrong? Keyfile is same and password is 10000% correct but still enpass did not match my keyfile and password. I really want to use keyfile system to secure my database but as far as i have tested it is not working for me.


    My Mac and OS used

    Macbook Pro 15 (2015)

    OS: macOS Monterey 12.3.1

    Thank you

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