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Kölle last won the day on January 9 2017

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  1. +1 This was possible in Enpass 5, would also love to have this behaviour back.
  2. +1 I can reproduce this behaviour (on Windows as well as on Linux).
  3. Hi OLLI, this is already the case. If you open an entry and show the password it is colorized: Only if you are in the password generation dialog it isn't colorized. I think that is because the generated password is display on a green background and mixing this with other colors could under some circumstances lead to hard to read passwords. @EnpassTeam: My only idea for this to work nicely would be something like the following:
  4. I also think that the default search option should be to search in all fields except passwords and only passwords as a separate option.
  5. Thank you Anshu, that helped! Now I have active Web-Protection with working Enpass Browser Plugin For the others: I took Solution 1 in the link above and it works like a charm.
  6. Hey guys, thanks for the hint on Sophos. That was it for me. Here is the Solution (more of a Workaround): If you are using "Sophos Endpoint Security and Control" like me you have to disable "Web-Protection". Unfortunately it isn't possible to create exceptions in this module - very sad. But.. now I can auto-fill again - that's more important as I'm taking "web security" in my own hands anyway. Let me know if this helped you.
  7. Same issue here, since 5.4.* (am on 5.4.1 right now). Using Chrome Version 55.0.2883.87 m
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