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Everything posted by Anandababu

  1. Looks like the Android App is ported/updated to support Chromebook ... Just make sure it doesn't lag in the UI & Performance.
  2. Especially we should add auto-fill TOTP fields.
  3. @Ankur Gupta I don't think its fixed. I still have to click on sign-in button (I've disabled auto submit, since many sites that i use asks for catcha), instead of pressing the enter key, since focus is lost. Windows-7, enPass 5.2, chrome stable latest as on date.
  4. I've has the same issue... I must spam it to awake the extension from sleep...
  5. You could still configure the default location of you keychain location and place it inside the enpass folder and take your keychain in zip without cloud sync. But remember to point your local keychain in all your new pc, since keychain path value is reset on the very first start on new pc(s).
  6. I'm using the portable solution and it works just fine. Installed in my personal pc, completely setup my credentials then synced with gdrive, then zipped the folder from c drive. Saved the zip in gdrive, Copied it to another pc and unzip and sync with gdrive. Portable version There you have it. But remember you have to depend on the cloud sync for better portability.
  7. Not sure if you have already figured it out... You can use keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + /), if only one entry found it will be auto filled. You can even auto submit.
  8. Hi, I really appreciate for the extensions available. Most of the users must be using enpass in Office machines (too), where installing a software is against policy and you can't install in all the machines you want to use enpass. But a browser extension that does not depend on a Application and works completely on a browser itself would be a great choice. What you guys think? Thanks, Anand
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