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Enpass Discussion Forum


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Everything posted by Operations8

  1. You are right. I totally missed that. My apologies.
  2. I really love Enpass, have been using it for years. But.. the time has come to add MFA to Enpass Yes some people see this as a security risk. A password and MFA in same tool, simple solution.. don't use the MFA part then A lot of the other password managers have had this feature for a while now. Is this something that is on the roadmap?
  3. I assume this is possible... right?
  4. i would like to change my registrated email with Enpass, i though this was doable in the app, but this doesnt work. How can i change my registrated email address?
  5. On several of my systems (Windows 10/11, laptops + desktops) for a while now i noticed that Enpass keeps asking me for the Keyfile location. The "Remember location of keyfile" option doesnt seem to work. I have tried this on a clean installed Windows 11 to make sure it wasn't an old / dirty Windows installation issue.
  6. I already changed the pin. I also tried switching between PIN and HELLO.
  7. I turned that on for about a week now, and i still have to unlock the enpass manager. So same problem.
  8. Do you mean the "Android Autofill-service"? Answer is yes, i use that. Total number of items is 345.
  9. Abhishek, too be honest is it so annoying i almost moved to a different password manager. But... i have been a happy user until this so i wanted to at least so where this topic would lead. And i am happy to hear you where able to replicate the problem, and your engagement into my topic/problem also very good. So i am staying and will wait for the solution a wise man once said: it is not about the problem, it is about the way you solve it. That is wat people will remember. in short Thumbs up!
  10. Yes i use a keyfile. I use only one vault. I use App version not sure when i updated. Feels like a very long time again. No special sequence, i have been using it the same way for years. Normal i had to give in my password twice a day (12 hours) but now almost everytime. You would like a video clip of the Enpass asking for my password? What it does is normal behaviour except for the fact that Enpass asks me for me password almost everytime i need to login somewhere.
  11. Like what? I do use other apps but nothing would be a problem for enpass as far as i know. My preferred browser is chrome.
  12. Even with no apps in the background it happens. Device is not running power save mode. Like i said been using it like this (same phone) and never been a problem. Has there been an update?
  13. I have set the time out at 12 hours and i use a PIN. This has worked fine for years. Since a week or so i need to enter my master password constantly. Up to 50 times a day. Starting to get really annoying... I use a Samsung S22 Ultra. App version: Android 13 Battery use app set to unrestricted. Any ideas?
  14. I understand that it might be a difficult issue and when i reported it about 6 months ago i didn't expect an immediate solution. But after about 6 months there is still not a planning when the solution will become available? I really like your product and i have installed it at a lot at not so tech savy people (because the program is/was so easy to use), but they / i need a solution. Many of them are old and adding a exclusion and working around it is okee-ish for more tech savy people but for them it is quite difficult. So in short my question is when can we expect a solution? Looking at the number of topics / posts it seems to be a problem that happens quite a lot. So thumbs up for the program, thanks in advance and good luck finding/working on a solution!
  15. This issue (sounds the same) has been known here for months. As far as i know there is no solution yet. I also experience this problem and reported it here.
  16. Thanks for you answer. But as i posted before, i have to completely disable the Enpass Extension for the website to act normal. Anything else doesn't work.
  17. I am a very happy user of Enpass and always recommend it to everyone looking for a password manager, so thumbs up! But i am having a problem, i think since the latest Enpass update but i am not sure about that. I have been using the Enpass extension with this same website for more than a year so it did work before. On the website crm.realworks.nl the popups are being blocked / interfered with. (Dutch CRM website for realtors) What happens is, when i press the arrow which should show a dropdown box with a couple of options the dropdown allow appears for 0.5 sec and is empty. When i turn the Enpass extension off the problem is gone. Other browser doesn't solve the problem, the only thing that helps is turning the Enpass Extension off. I have added two pictures, on the first one you have to look close but you can see the outlining of the dropdown box. If needed i could translate the words shown on the pictures but i don't think that is really relevant.
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