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Enpass Discussion Forum


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Everything posted by itsuia

  1. It's a live account on my private server, so I can't share that. Enpass on Android P, Oneplus 6T.
  2. The update copied my logins successfully, but it destroyed my sync settings. Now I can't set up WebDAV sync again. It says it's "Authenticating..." for about half a minute, then it gives me an error saying "Could not connect to specified WebDAV folder. Check your usename and password.". There's nothing wrong with the input (URL, Username, Password), I tested them on Enpass on Windows, and I also tested with other WebDAV apps, no problem.
  3. itsuia

    Firefox Android

    Would be nice if the firefox extension just worked on android as well, since firefox supports extensions there too. The extension installs just fine, but it doesn't work at all.
  4. Would like to integrate Enpass into a few desktop apps on Linux, any way to open the database and query for entries through an API?
  5. Another vote for releasing on the mozilla addon platform, the extension fails to sync between different devices because it's not found on the addon site, and in some cases I've had it uninstall because it could not be found there, leading me to search these forums for the installer (the link on the enpass main site is even outdated). This issue is actually pushing me to look for a replacement for Enpass, as Firefox is the main platform where I use it, and having to randomly install the extension manually a few times a week is getting on my nerves.
  6. I understand that with Android O this might become obsolete, but there are plenty phones that won't see the Android O update in a long time, if ever.
  7. [Android] Floating mode/dialog When using the notification option for autofill, the entire Enpass app has to be opened. Could you perhaps introduce a dialog that draws on top to avoid exiting the currently opened app? Kind of like how you do it with the traditional Windows client, or like how Lastpass does it:
  8. +1, got a fingerprint reader on my laptop, would love to use it for unlocking Enpass.
  9. itsuia

    Chrome autofill

    Alright, hopefully you can utilize the new Autofill API in Android O announced yesterday to have this integrated into any app in the future, without the requirement of using your browser or keyboard. Not that I don't appreciate the effort, but I don't want to be locked into an ecosystem I can't control. https://developer.android.com/preview/features/autofill.html https://github.com/googlesamples/android-AutofillFramework
  10. itsuia

    Chrome autofill

    In the "screenshots" of the app on Google Play you display the following image: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/MqzZKJhgvxCz0nwKusby-CO0pNHu7EJIEjL5WSwlPqaXBBlkvQIfLbhvDRGxdhX-afY=h900-rw How do I enable this kind of autofill?
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