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  1. At least it's not doing kicking me out every couple of weeks. It keeps working on my devices. I have about 8 or so devices that use Enpass and connect to my Nextcloud server. But if I don't use a device in a few weeks or a bit longer, it wants to authorize again. Is Enpass nagging you for a subscription now? What alternatives are there that are similar to Enpass and allow me to store the data on my own server? I need a Linux client as that my desktop OS I use every day.
  2. @Amandeep Kumar this need to be fixed. Once activated it needs to stay activated, forever! For Enpass to phone home at a later date to see if it's been activated should never occur once it's been originally activated the first time. This could actually leave my wife in a dire situation if something happened to me and my wife needed to get into Enpass several months later and if my server was down that holds my Nextcloud data and my email. Edit: I change the title of this thread.
  3. Except that it didn't. I had an Enpass on a virtual machine that I hadn't started up in six months and it asked that the license needed to be verified and I had to enter a code sent to my email. Enpass, once activated should never need to be re-activated or verified again.
  4. I'm not using Google Drive but using Next cloud. I have taken a manual backup of the data, deleted the account, and restored it. I am not going to erase everything in Advanced as I have five vaults in Enpass which will cause massive headaches getting everything working again. I did set up and new vault and synced it to Nextcloud. My version of Enpass was 6.8.1 and checking for updates did not show anything else that was newer. Going to your web site I found that 6.10.1 was out and it used a different apt source. I set up the new apt source and it updated to 6.10.1. However, the problem vault that was not syncing, was gone. Restored the old Enpass, it showed the problem vault, I renamed the Enpass folder on Nextcloud, did a sync and told it to Restore, then verified the data came over the Android Enpass. Then did a backup on the Android side. Upgraded Enpass again, added the vault from Nextcloud and now it is working. No more errors. So everything is working again. Thank you. BTW, why did the new version phone home and request a six digit code for registration? Once it's unlocked, it should stay unlocked. What if the Enpass company is wiped out, that means I won't be able to access my vaults. Not good!
  5. So I've been having an odd issue with Linux syncing a vault that syncs fine from Android and iPhone. The vault resides on Nextcloud. I'm receiving error code 1309976 when syncing. I've tried deleting the Enpass folder from Nextcloud, sync from Linux and tell it to restore it. It will sync fine until Android or iPhone syncs the vault then I get the error again. I've tried deleting the vault, restoring from backup, etc. I switched to syncing over WebDAV and I think the error was 309976. So something is going on. Thing is, I have two other vaults that are syncing on the same Nextcloud server using different accounts and they work fine. It's just this one vault. This has been going on for a couple of months and it's starting to cause problems.
  6. I'm running Debian Bookworm. Every time I sync to Dropbox, within a few minutes I get a sync error: Something went wrong while syncing with Dropbox. Error code: 209976 I've disconnect and reconnected the sync. Deleted the Enpass folder on Dropbox, etc. I have three people syncing to the Dropbox folder. I'm using the free 2GB Dropbox account. After completing the sync, it gives me this error within a few minutes. I was having a similar problem with pCloud but it finally "stuck" and it's working, not sure what the sync error was on that though.
  7. This is still not done yet? I have hundreds of items. Finding one that does not have a Tag is a total pain! Please implement this.
  8. The UI has three panels. It would be nice to have the Category/Tags and Items panels being able to be able to expand them by about twice their current size limitation. The right panel that has the currently displayed Item being shown wastes a lot of screen real estate. There is a big gap on the left of the right pane that is just empty space. The item that is being displayed should left justify against this pane instead of displaying in the middle of the pane.
  9. We needed to edit the text on a regular basis. So putting it in a text document and attaching it is not the same. It would also be nice to have a bit more advanced editing in the text editor as well.
  10. This needs to be fixed. I picked up the Samsung Galaxy S6 with a keyboard so I can do work without having to lug around my laptop. I'm in Dex mode when using Remote Desktop and SSH sessions. Not be able to access passwords while in Dex will be a major nightmare to productivity.
  11. 20KB is too small. Should be much larger. Think if someone was writing a manuscript and wanted to keep it as a note. Please increase this to something like 20MB.
  12. Actually, even having the main search highlight where it found the search term in the item displayed would be very helpful.
  13. I have notes that are very large. It would be nice to have a search option to search inside of the note I'm looking at that highlights the searched word or phrase.
  14. I'm one of those that will pay for it as well. But i will not tie my computer to the Microsoft Store. I also cannot pay for it since I also use Linux.
  15. I was able to work around it by selecting edit and copying out portions of the Note into a notepad until I had the final complete note that I then saved into text file. I was then able to copy the text from the file and paste it into version 6. All I can say, darn good thing I had backups. BTW, version 6 does not have a right click menu in a note to even copy, select all, etc. If I need to copy a port of the document I can still select what I want and press ctrl+c. Version 6 also does not seem to have the 255 line limitation. I have to edit the note in order to using select the document using the mouse and scrolling, ctrl+c, then paste will give me the whole note. Selecting with the mouse and scrolling does not work unless you edit the document. This is with the Linux version. Not sure if the Windows version has this same behavior or not.
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