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dan45 last won the day on July 28 2023

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  1. Yes a view days ago I tested another apps, Nordpass, Bitwarden, 1Password, Dashlane, .. But the best I seen is 1Password. So I have migrated and use the trial. I think I will use this in the feature. It is very great. Enpass is only telling they will do anything, but nothing happens. My confidence is slowly gone.
  2. I bought Enpass Pro as a lifetime back then. Then came this shit Premium. There hasn't been any further development at Enpass for months. Possibly with business. If I had an Enpass subscription, I would have canceled long ago. Unfortunately, the market doesn't look much better anywhere. I don't know of any good alternatives.
  3. Hello is there a special offer or a code for pro Users? I have Pro Lifetime and want to upgrade to Premium Liftetime.
  4. i have a similar issue. with the store version i can unlock after windows starts for first time with windows hello. with the desktop website version it doesn't work. another curious problem!
  5. any news? since 2 years of this thread no solution for us?
  6. It is impossible how the support here deals with customers. I'll probably look for an alternative. unfortunately there are not many. most want an annual fee. I want to buy if lifetime. I'm glad that I only have lifetime from enpass and don't pay monthly for this strange store.
  7. doesnt work the store version. can not install it. and still no answer of the enpass team. really bad support!!!!
  8. Desktop version didn't remember windows hello. I have a tcp module and with store version it worked fine. problems over problems with enpass.
  9. for those of who need your passwords, install the windows desktop version. https://www.enpass.io/downloads/ Windows Website Version For me it works now. But I am waiting for statement from Enpass Team!!!! I think I will look for alternates in the future. Not the first problem with Enpass.
  10. Any News? Otherwise I'll have to switch to another software.
  11. is it going forward?
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