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  1. The issue is still not fixed. I tried your workaround. It worked for some days, but now it's back to this "wrong password" error again.
  2. This is a joke right? I cant sync with nextcloud or Icloud. Both have the same issue. So I am stuck now with wifi sync and this is not working on my corporate wifi. Do you even see how much this impacts your product? Going back to keepass. byby
  3. Ok, thanks. Is there a timeline?
  4. I encounter the same issue. Please fix this ASAP
  5. Same issue here. "Almost every other week sync stops working and I'm told that my password is wrong and I need to enter the new one. " please fix this ASAP
  6. The pin doesnt work on the iphone itself either. is there a way to bugbounty this issue?
  7. hi i have a similar failure with the pin functionality. enpass says the pin is wrong when i enter it in another app to get my login for that app. if i go back to the enpassapp and unlock with pin it works just fine. enpass 6.1.0 ios 12.3.1 iphone 6 MG472ZD/A
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