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Everything posted by AlfLaSalle

  1. I've honestly given up on it and I don't use Enpass any more. 1Password for example solved the autotype function via a desktop app. This opens a small window in which the data can be retrieved via hotkey. KeePass can do autotype via a plugin and KeePassXC which I am now actively using makes it similar to 1Password After more than a year, the interest in the further development of Enpass seems rather limited. Over and Out
  2. I made this request a year ago and still nada... just saying
  3. Now that I haven't been active for a while, and I'm still looking for an adequate solution to 1Password, I wanted to inquire if 2FA is now supported for different Logins
  4. To open the Windows app, I set a hotkey with Ctrl Alt and O. In the small pop-up window, I search, e.g., for "Steam" for the login of the corresponding Windows app. Unfortunately, I'm only offered to copy the URL and the username here. I cannot copy the password here. To do this, I would first have to open the entire Enpass app or the browser app. Uncomfortable! An option to copy the PW too would be perfect.
  5. Thanks for the offered help, but I guess I'll go with @Ivarson´s suggestion unless you guys make me a better deal than the $39.99
  6. Thanks a lot for your help. You should become a Support. Much faster and better Just a loud thought. The lousy support here is also a reason I'm still unsure about switching to Enpass in the end.
  7. Is there any Premium Discount for Pro User? If, where to find this option?
  8. Can Enpass autofill Desktop Apps Like Steam, Discord, Spotify etc...?
  9. @Gulshan Dogra I found the mistake. You should have asked me if I have the pro or the premium version. hmmm
  10. OK. Did exactly what u mentioned, but in Audit there is nothing shown up with 2fa. There are just 4 Sections: compromised, identical, weak and expired Under "Others" I have OnTimeCodes but if I click on it, it's not showing anything either Drives me nutz
  11. OK. Did the reinstall, cleaning everything before, but 2fa, e.g. PayPal, isn't recognized. I am using Windows 11 with latest updates and latest Enpass version from Windows Store. Same with Browser Extension (Edge)
  12. I have saved my PayPal login details in Enpass, but the 2-factor authentication method is not recognized. Nothing is displayed under "AUDIT" either. Am I missing something?
  13. I asked this in 2020 and got the same answer. How many Times u will forward this to ur "Team" In 2023 someone will ask again and then what?? Forward to team?
  14. Complicated. Sorry but why not having a detection within the Password fields?
  15. Do i always need to right Click to the Autofill Field (User/Password) to get the Login i need or is there any other way like an icon next to the Password Fields? I may just miss it...
  16. Sry for taking this Thread out of the Dust but better then opening this Theme over and over again. Having the same prob. Also thought in the beginning Enpass will fill the User/Password Fields itself but u need to open up the browser extension to see the linked website informations for login and with a click to fill them... For me also, this is not user friendly. I like Enpass but autofilling Browser and Desktop is something i am really missing and whatmade me using a different password manager for now. If Enpass would implement these features i would like to use it again but tbh so many users in here asking for a long time now for this feature(s) and STILL nothing happening. Bit a shame
  17. I´m running the official Version of Edge (Chromium), no Pre Releases! The Browser Extension of Enpass is installed into Edge with access. When i am on, lets say, Amazon, and the page is asking for my login credentials there is not auto fill. Instead i need to right click to choose Enpass within the Menu and from there i have to choose the Login Data from Amazon. To be honest, this is quite cumbersome. The question now... Why is there no (whatever login page) Auto Fill?
  18. Hi @Pratyush Sharma again That´s really good news. Will make Enpass my primary password manager when its implemented
  19. Hi @Pratyush Sharma Thanks for answering See the red bordererd Icons
  20. Hello. I would like to know, if possible, how to smaller the Icons (Favicons) Thanks
  21. I´ve seen a Topic asking this Question already but it´s a Year ago now. Well. I also would like to know if it is maybe possible now to have an option (Hotkey etc.) to fill Windows Apps like "Steam" or similiar?
  22. Couple Month ago i bought a License and imported all Data from Keepass. Because of missing feature i was using Keepass again. Now... giving Enpass one more try all my Data: - are Lost - i do not get recon as an excisting User anymore tbh, Usability is definitely different. I am done with that shit.... Never used a Password Manager like that before.. Worst Case ever.
  23. There is no Site. Auto Fill is not working on any Website. I always have to click right mouse button, then click on Enpass and search for the pass in the Popup. The general question was whether Auto Fill works in general and matches are displayed in the password fields.? If not it maybe does not work with Edge Chromium Beta?!
  24. Hello @Anshu kumar Thanks for Answer. Was a bit shocked within the 1. Seconds ;) Had to reinstall my Notebook and all worked as u explainig. Thank u for your fast Support Just one more question, before i start another Thread ;) Is there a way Enpass recognizes the user/password Fields and makes proposals or if there´s just one Entry available Enpass Auto-Fills the specific Fields itself?
  25. Hello. I´ve bought Enpass now but from the App itself. I´ve got redirected to Paypal directly without asking to enter my Data myself and without Two-Factor Authentication. Weird tbh. After Payment to Microsoft Payments (thought i pay Enpass directly) i got the Premium Feature unlocked but... what if i want to reinstall my System? Dont i need any kind of a Key, KeyFile or something similiar. How do you/System/whatever know that i bought Enpass? Thats all bit confusing ... I pay Microsoft, i dont get ask for my paypal credentials, i have nothing in hands just the Bill...Great....
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