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Mr. Query

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  • Birthday 08/12/1972

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  1. I've now been testing for awhile with all three options enabled: This helps, somewhat as I am experiencing lesser problems. But regularly I still notice that the extension (mini-browser) loses its connection with the main application, even though that application is running. Attempts to reconnect often fail an the endless re-authentication cycle as described in the issue earlier begins. My standard procedure is now to disable the extension in Safari and immediately re-enabling it, this fixes the issue ALL the time. But obviously that is not the way it should be fixed. Please assists in any further steps I can take to get this resolved?
  2. Me too experienced this very annoying issue. (in 2024!) I discovered that disabling the extension in Safari and immediately re-enabling it, would fix the issue for a while. However, through this post I read about the three options that seem to ALL be enabled. I did not have the option "Hide dock icon when the main window is closed" enabled, which I now have enabled. Thus, I'm testing this and will let you know my finding. PS: If is it necessary to have ALL these three options active in order to make the mini-browser work properly, wouldn't it be a good idea to inform the user more clearly from within the application that he/she needs to do so?
  3. I have this same issue on my Mac OSX Ventura in Chrome and Safari. In my case it looks like the screenshot attached. I greyed-out sensitive information, but the red background is real and is precisely where the normally the extension pop-up is displayed. Instead a miniature version of the extension is shown. Re-installing did not work but I do know that opening the Enpass desktop version and then quitting it again, will resolve the issue. I do use multiple external monitors but cannot reproduce the issue as it does not always seem to occur. If it does, its obviously pretty annoying.
  4. Any updates about if (and preferably when) an update or workaround might become available to fix this issue?
  5. I have the same issue on my iPhone 7 running IOS 13.3.1 whilst attempting to "Upgrade to Enpass Lite" and later on in the same screen whilst attempting to "Use Enpass Premium" on other devices. Here is my chain of events; I hadn't bought the software yet, thus I decided to buy it: I choose the option "Upgrade to Enpass Lite" in the blue bar at the bottom of the screen I get the "Congrats, you are eligible to update to..." I choose "Register with email". Enter my mail address and choose next ">" Now the app just quits/crashes. I restart the app and perform steps 1 and 2 again Now I choose "Continue with Apple ID" I verify my Apple Account and continue. Now the app again just quits.crashes OK, I'm annoyed now, but being developer myself I decided to delete and re-install the app to see what happens. I reinstall the app and during the initial start-up I'm offered to register myself and buy the premium license. I do this, and it is successul. I'm now able to synchronise all my data from the iCloud (created on my Mac) and the app works. But now I want to enable the license across all my devices, so I choose : "Use Enpass Premium on other devices." in the blue bar at the bottom of the screen. A similar screen appears, but now it says ""Congrats, you are eligible to use full version of Enpass across all your devices" I choose "Register with email". Enter my mail address and choose next ">" Now the app just quits/crashes. I restart the app and perform steps 1 and 2 again Now I choose "Continue with Apple ID" I verify my Apple Account and continue. Now the app again just quits.crashes Clearly something is wrong in this part of the app, or perhaps it's my iPhone itself. So, I choose to be even more thorough and Factory Reset my phone completely; I factory reset the phone. Re-enable the app. The app works. I choose : "Use Enpass Premium on other devices." in the blue bar at the bottom of the screen again Run through the procedure, but the app still crashes. Officially I'm now stuck and clearly need some assistance from support to help me on this subject. Hopefully my detailed error description is helpful. Hope to hear from you soon.
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