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Enpass Discussion Forum

Jay Salh

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Jay Salh last won the day on February 1 2021

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  1. been playing with 1Password 14 day full trial. It has a lot of wicked features lacking in Enpass - most significant - vault sharing withing the same account (similar to lastpass). Otherwise, more less the same. One Enpass feature missing in 1Password is - consolidated record. For example, in Enapss I can put in my credit card info and all the web login info in one record - and if I am in a CC field when shopping or going to the cc web page - the same Enapss record will work. In 1Password - if you identify an item as a credit card - it doesn't appear to autofill the web.. you need to create two records (one for the card and one for their web page) - but you can "link" the two - to find each quickly. That also goes with attachments as well (drivers license and photo) - Enpass you can attach within the same record - where as 1Password has an attachment record you can link to the master record. Finally, personal cloud sync services are limited - OneDrive is not supported as of yet. iCloud, DropBox and GoogleDrive are supported.
  2. In total agreement with the above statement - at least appear to look like you even understand what the issue is instead of responding with a boiler plate response. You are charging fees and subscriptions ... it would be nice to provide the expected support that goes with that. Currently, the issue is across all my devices ranging from Android 11, Server 2016, Win10 Insider Preview, and Win10 Current Release - and the only thing common thing is OneDrive - and I haven't changed anything on my Onedrive settings etc. So, please can you offer some solutions beyond the boiler plate response throughout this forum.
  3. Same problem - it keeps cycling back and forth between my devices ... I reconnect on my Android phone (v6.6.1.449) and seems to be working, and then the error appears on my Win10 PC (v6.6.0 (760)). Or if I stay on my phone, go back to the app - the errorr appears. I have removed the app, re-installed etc -- the error continues to reappear.
  4. Ok the did all the above - and the error returned... but a quicker fix for me was - when the sync error happens, and it wants you to resolve it by entering a new password - which no matter what you put in - it will say is incorrect. Then I press continue - and it will ask you if you want to overwrite the dB on OneDrive. I say yes - and it all syncs. Then when I go to my other devices, they have resolved themselves. Note - when you do select continue - it will show the last time the password was changed - and (in my case) it was showing a date and time that I know I wasn't using that device. So not sure if that was an error - or is it triggering something else. I suspect this will happen again tomorrow - and if does I will update things here.
  5. Tried every suggestion you guys have posted here with no luck. This sync issue is really becoming an issue - and very frustrating. Any idea when it will be corrected.
  6. This exact same problem has not hit all my devices.. it was working all day ... and now none of my devices are able to sync! Is there a fix for this or is it time to look elsewhere!
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