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  1. I've been using enpass for several months now, after being a long time KeepassX user and I love it! One feature that would be great to have is a way to select specific characters from a password. More and more websites only ask for individual characters from your password so it's not possible to autofill. The only way to do it is to reveal the password and count the characters. It means I have to use shorter passwords as finding the 15th, 43rd and 63rd characters would be extremely annoying! A simple way may be to have a dialogue with the password hidden yet each character is numbered above or below. Selecting/clicking the desired number(s) reveals the password character(s) in order to manually input to the webform. Would something like this be feasible? Thanks.
  2. When entering a username and password for a new site not yet stored in Enpass when you receive the "Save as new login in Enpass" dialog message. If you dismiss with "Not now" is there a way to save using the extension without logging out and back in to the site for Enpass to detect? I know you can add using the PC client version but I could not find the option to manually add with the extension. I was using Firefox and I presume it would be similar for the other browser extensions.
  3. Hi All, Not sure where the fault lies here but I've run into an odd website login issue since I've recently started using Enpass, and its corresponding browser extension. The machine is running Windows 10 Pro, Enpass 5.3.0 Desktop App, and Enpass Browser Extension 5.3.0 for google Chrome. Chrome Version 52.0.2743.116 m (64-bit). When attempting to login @ https://www.mynycb.com/ the website never takes the login, no matter what is typed in the box once you hit enter or submit the website reports back "Please enter your User ID". Took me a little while to go through all my browser extensions to verify it was Enpass that was related (no other extensions loaded during testing). Now for the truly bizarre part of this scenario, after you try to login with the user name and get that nice error message, if you go to the upper right corner of the screen where there is a search box below a login button and click the little search magnifying glass, the website magically seems to pass the logon user name and forwards you to the next part of their logon process. Any help you can be to understanding what is going on and if it is something Enpass can work around or not would be great (not sure if this is a bug or a feature of their site or Enpass). I've attached a screen shot to show the logon area, and the search area referenced above. Keep in mind once the browser extension is disabled the issue goes away. Thanks in advance, Phx
  4. Hello, Enpass on my BB10 phone will fill in my card number on these banking sites, but not the password. I've tried putting the password in different fields in the profile but no luck. How can I get this to work? www.pcfinancial.com and www.cibc.com. Click through to the sign in pages on either site, then hit autofill and only the bank card number comes in.
  5. At the moment when pressing the hotkey when Enpass is locked, nothing happens. Would be great if it prompted for your password and then automatically continued auto-filling.
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