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Found 7 results

  1. I just did the update, and Enpass refuses to start. I am greeted with "Enpass Password Manager is currently not available in your account. Make sure you are signed in to the Store and try again. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8001" Having all my passwords in Enpass, it is a major annoyance. I am, of course, signed-in to the Microsoft Store. It used to work fine before the update. Please help
  2. Hi I'm running Ubuntu 20.04.3 and realized the enpass version I'm running is out of date, I checked the repo list follow-in your guide for deb https://apt.enpass.io/ stable main but I can only pull 6.5.0, I can get 6.6 using snap but would love to run your latest version. Is there a deb package I can download? I'm not finding any on your support site. Thanks
  3. I'm a registered user of Enpass. I don't use the Windows store. I used to be able to find a direct download for Enpass, but it doesn't seem to be posted on your site any more. I'm reinstalling on a computer which had to have Windows (10) reset. Where is the download available?
  4. I have an old Mac mini next to my main computer, and like to install Enpass on this Mac. This Mac mini only support up to macOS 10.11, and Enpass 6.0.7 and up require macOS 10.12. So I like to install version 6.0.6. Is there a location where I can download Enpass 6.0.6 for macOS? The knowledge base article for older versions only mentions 5.x, not 6.0.6.
  5. When I click on GET in the Appstore, a little animated button pokes out from the right hand side. I've been playing back-a-mole with this button for 5 minutes and I still haven't succeeded in downloading Empass. Help!
  6. Hello, when I started Enpass this morning at work then Enpass told me that the update to is available. I downloaded and installed it. I also printed out the Release Notes to see what has changed (and here I also see 6.0.3). And 20 mintes ago I installed for Android. Here at home I also have Enpass Traditional Win32 installed but here no update is offered. So I went to the download page but here only 6.0.2 is available. I tried different browsers and also deleted the cache in the browsers. Also at the Release Notes I just see 6.0.2. So did you withdraw the new update? Why? Best regards OLLI
  7. Hi I bought Enpass Password Manager and now I´d like to download my database PIN´s and PAsswords from my German PIN-Manager (valuephone) Thank you very much for all your help and comments in the future, Peter
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