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Found 4 results

  1. After the latest update, the hotkey no longer autofills the username and password on any website. Instead, it opens a new tab showing the browser "Enpass Settings" page. I have tried resetting the hotkey under both "Activate the extension" and "Autofill or show Enpass" sections under the settings. Both open the "Enpass Settings" page in a new tab. Browser version: Firefox v 94.0.1 (x64) (current as of Nov 20, 2021) I've attached a screenshot of the page its opening. I don't have any global shortcuts setup.
  2. I just discovered hotkeys Ctrl+<up> and Ctrl+<down> for navigating in the left sidebar. But Ctrl+<key> skips sub-tags and imploded menus, so one has to expand them beforehand. Why not add Ctrl+<left> and Ctrl+<right> to expand nested tags as well as imploded menus so we can see everything without interacting with the moues? Thanks in advance
  3. Hello, please add an option where I can define a hotkey that locks the database. At work it would be helpful when I have Enpass minimized but want to lock it when my boss comes in. Best regards OLLI
  4. Why is it not possible to choose F1 for the system-wide hotkey? For other apps I can choose F1 as hotkey. Why not with Enpass?
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