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  1. Enpass has always worked very well for me, but recently it's started crashing every time my Mac Book Pro awakes from sleep. I'm on Sierra 10.12.6, mid-2015 MBP 15" i7 16GB.
  2. Enpass Mac is crashing every time I try to edit the existing item, on macOS Sierra. Please see attached screenshot for the "Enpass quit unexpectedly report." Fyi, I have tried all the methods that I can think of, reinstalling the app after a full cleanup, disable the sync and even disabling the automatic backup. I am a paid member, not too sure if I am using the right form; please help to solve this issue. - Ronald
  3. Hi there, since latest Firefox upgrade to version 56 on macOS enpass does not open on any webpage on Safari it works enpass 5.6.0 (113) thanks
  4. Hello, The firefox extension (v. 5.3.4) does not work on a website i created. The login form has the following html code: <div class="form__field"> <label><!-- react-text: 146 -->Username<!-- /react-text --><!-- react-text: 147 -->:<!-- /react-text --> <input step="" name="username" value="" class="" type="text"> <p class="help-text">Usernames are not e-mail addresses.</p> </label> </div> <div class="form__field"> <label><!-- react-text: 152 -->Password<!-- /react-text --><!-- react-text: 153 -->:<!-- /react-text --> <input step="" name="password" value="" class="" type="password"> </label> </div> <div class="login__sumode"> <div class="form__field"> <label><!-- react-text: 158 -->Target user<!-- /react-text --><!-- react-text: 159 -->:<!-- /react-text --> <input step="" name="targetuser" value="" type="text"></label> </div> </div> <div class="form__actions"> <button type="submit"><span>Login</span></button> </div> The target user is hidden with CSS. Any idea? Thanks, Nighthawk
  5. Hello. I was trying to import my 1Password vault to enpass. I found this documentation: https://www.enpass.io/docs/desktop-mac/import_1password.html But, it appears to be slightly out of date. For one, the menu options don't match the docs. Whereas, if you look at the screenshot, enpass has two different options. 1Password (Agilekeychain) 1Password (OPVault) For me, 1Password exported my vault as a directory: `1Password 2017-01-09, 07_37 PM (290 items and 2 folders).1pif`. I tried to import the directory with both 1Password modes, but neither of them would enable the "Open" button in the import dialog. What finally worked for me was when I imported `1Password 2017-01-09, 07_37 PM (290 items and 2 folders).1pif/data.1pif`. Meaning, import the file `data.1pif`, which was _inside_ of the exported vault directory that 1Password created. Using the "Agilekeychain" import mode worked. The "OPVault" option didn't work. Hopefully, this unblocks anyone trying to migrate from 1Password to enpass. Also, can someone please update the docs? 1Password: v6.5.3; enpass: v5.4.1; macOS: v10.12.3
  6. Will there be any update regarding the new Touch Bar in Apple's MacBook Pro late 2016? Especially support for Touch ID would be appreciated!
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