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zyghom last won the day on March 9 2021

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  1. I finally switched to Safe In Cloud - simply it satisfies me more than enpass and the changes here that happened
  2. v6 is paid, on android and iOS you need to buy it again on desktop for free you will get "disabled" version - to get what you had on desktop in v5 you need to pay as well
  3. +1 I just moved 5 users (including 5 purchase) from Enpass to the competition just because devs decided to tweak it
  4. ha ha ha did you sleep over last 2 months?
  5. You can use free desktop version of Safe-in-Cloud to take all data from Enpass v6 and then either stay with SafeInCloud or export to any other app. safeincloud takes json file from enpass 6 perfectly
  6. @SandyJ47 no solution
  7. ...because it was only a matter of time when other devs will use the flaw of what Enpass devs screwed up ;-)
  8. attachements: I did not have any in enpass however safeincloud is limited to 150KB per file others: I am not sure I had any custom fields in enpass either as well as totp I migrated to enpass v5 from Keepass but once I test properly android and iOS I will move to safeincloud especially that it supports family plans and with few people in my family we will have nice password manager for 1 time pay - unless devs of safeincloud do what devs of enpass did ;-(
  9. @earl.grey I owe you one for the safeincloud!!!
  10. I just exported v6 enpass to json and imported SUCCESSFULLY to Safeincloud! that is the first step to say GOOD BYE to enpass - let me test iOS and Android... it is in the Import menu - it says "v6 and above of enpass"
  11. @earl.grey you are right about gfx.ms ;-) how about others? btw safeincloud supposed to import v6 enpass db - let us see ;-)
  12. going further with synchronisation with OneDrive it is asking for both: connecting to OneDrive (expected) but then to gfx.ms - unexpected. Once you block gfx.ms it will not allow you to synchronise. Last one: crashlitycs.com? wtf? so ZERO trust to this one my friend:
  13. just fresh installation on my Mac and ... thx god I have a firewall...
  14. they are not supporting existing users with the issues that arrived in v6 - how do you expect them to support exiting user? first and the utmost important: upgrade of database from v5 to v6 without consent second: export from v6 in unreadable by any other software format? should I continue?
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