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Found 4 results

  1. Dear Enpass-Team, Last week I switched to Windows 11 which is fully updated with the latest patches. Now I have the following issue: I was able to install and start the Enpass Manager. I synched it with my password-container in Google Drive and the passwords were synched, no issue there. But now, after the first synch, every time I start the Enpass Manager, when the green GoogleDrive symbol appears in the upper left in it and it starts synching, the Enpass Manager just closes down. No error message, no log created, nothing. It just stops. This happens every single time. I started reinstalling it from the store and from your website, I tried the Enpass Manager Beta, but nothing worked. Do you have any info or hint on that? Thank you very much!
  2. Hi, I use the iCloud synchronisation which requires me to log in using the iCloud website. This login seems to expire quite often (every second day) and to keep using the synchronization I need to reauthenticate every time. Do you have a fix for this? For me it feels like since the last major update Enpass is no longer using the native CloudKit SDK from Apple. Because this one does not require a login on iCloud.com. For example on the iPhone App I can just flip a switch on iCloud and it authenticates automatically and receives the tokens and the encrypted database automatically. Kind regards Alex
  3. Problem: Setting up Sync is not working with Dropbox (maybe others too). Environment: Enpass Windows Desktop v6.0.6 (323) Enpass Extension Chromium Web Browser 73.0.3683.103 (Official Build) (64-bit) (not default browser) (Enpass Extension installed). Google Chrome (default browser) (Enpass Extension not installed). Repro Steps: When I setup Dropbox Sync via Enpass Desktop: Enpass Desktop opens the default browser. I don't use the operating system default browser with Enpass, therefore don't have the Enpass Extension installed on the default browser. I use Chromium as my browser, which is not the operating system's default web browser. Enpass Desktop sends an authentication link to the default browser to Dropbox. Since I don't use the default browser, I copy and paste the authentication link to my default browser. The browser that I use is Chromium, with the Enpass Extension installed. When I log into Dropbox via authentication link and approve the authorization, Enpass doesn't recognize the authorization, and does nothing. Potential Reasons: Chromium not fully supported. Chromium is not the default browser. Enpass will open the default browser (which I don't use Enpass Extension) with the authentication link, I manually copy the authentication link, and paste the link. There's some sort of communication between: Enpass Desktop <=> Enpass Extension <=> Browser that is not working. Thanks
  4. Hello, Yesterday I added a number of entries with attached images in them. This was on enpass on Windows. This morning I logged into my enpass for Android. Some images were transferred and can be called up while a couple do not seem to have transferred. On the enpass card for that item I can see the images listed but when I click I get a message telling me "Attachment not found" and to synchronise enpass. Thanks
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