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Found 7 results

  1. When entering the master password, cmd-backspace doesn't clear the field as it would be expected from any text field. Expected: clears the box for reentering the password after a known typo
  2. Hello, I right clicked on a password and saw the menu entry "History" to view the password history. Some days later I searched this functionality but I could no longer find it. I recognized that the menu entry "History" is only available when the entry has a password history. This is confusing for users so I suggest that you always show the menu item "History". If the password has no history then the menu entry should be grayed out (disabled). So the menu entry is always there (learning effect for users) and it is only enabled when there is a password history available. Regards OLLI
  3. Enpass doesn't search by few separated words (record named 'john smith card' not found by typing 'john card' in search bar). This is a big headache if you have hundreds of passwords. Can you add this feature in a future releases?
  4. Hopefully a simple request... on desktop (Mac in my case... maybe others are different) when a user clicks on a copy-to-clipboard button in the interface, there should be some type of animation or user feedback to indicate that the copy-to-clipboard happened. (I suggest an immediate background highlight (perhaps blue) that fades over about 1 second back to transparent.) As it is now, there is a highlight on the button only while the mouse is held down. If you just click on the button, 99% of the time it's so fast that you don't see any highlight / feedback at all. If the window isn't the frontmost window (maybe it's off to the side), the first click on the button (or anywhere) actually doesn't do anything, it just brings the window to the front. That combined with the occasional user error (missed clicking the button... off to the side or something) combines to make a somewhat frustrating experience. In essence, there's no feedback as to whether something was copied or not... until you go to paste and submit and... whoops! that wasn't the right password, or whoops! instead of pasting in that piece of data you just pasted in 5 paragraphs of text that you copied earlier. Out of necessity in real-world use I have developed the habit of clicking the copy button a jillion times like a rabbit in heat "just to be sure" that what I want copied is actually getting into the clipboard... and I find it frustrating and annoying every time. And ... speaking of first click just bringing the window to the front... maybe, if possible, it would be good to allow click-through for those buttons so that you don't have to bring the window to the front first just to copy something to the clipboard. I know I would love that.
  5. I would appreciate if I could switch the theme of Enpass and it's keyboard to Dark mode (like on Blackberry 10). Thank You
  6. I would appreciate if I could switch the theme of Enpass and it's keyboard to Dark mode (like on Blackberry 10). Thank You
  7. Hi Enpass Team, currently, AFAIK, only the fields with type "password" are historized. But there is sometimes important informations in other type of fields that you may want to keep in case you need them. I think all fields should be historized (like Keepass). Also, I would suggest an UX improvement on the way history is currently displayed. The current popover doesn't help to know the state of the different fields. I mean, with multiple password fields, it would be hard to know which version of field1 goes with a specific version of field2. I used to dev a web frontend for kdbx files. If you have time, have a look at how I implemented history navigation, I think it is a better experience: URL: http://web.ledisez.net/CloudKeePass/ KDBX File: http://web.ledisez.net/Test.kdbx Passphrase: azerty Select the "Bank Web Account 1" password and navigate with the date on the bottom right. Thx!
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