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Reuse last fill


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I use enpass on my Android phone and I've got two problems :

- when you use enpass to fill something with the keyboard, the second time you open the Keyboard it forget the website. 

For example I use it to open my account an Amazon, the first time I choose Amazon on enpass keyboard but the second time, when I need to enter totp, I must choose Amazon on the enpass list again. 

Maybe the hability to define a timer before reset the keyboard ?

- when I choose enpass keyboard, it remains that way even after when I just need to type text (where I use Gboard,)

Is it possible to automatically move to another keyboard when the time above is done ?


Thank for reading :)

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Hi @Hydro,

Thanks for writing in.

On 21/12/2016 at 3:58 AM, Hydro said:

when you use enpass to fill something with the keyboard, the second time you open the Keyboard it forget the website. 

For example I use it to open my account an Amazon, the first time I choose Amazon on enpass keyboard but the second time, when I need to enter totp, I must choose Amazon on the enpass list again. 

Maybe the hability to define a timer before reset the keyboard ?


I will happy to forward your feedback to dev team for their consideration.

On 21/12/2016 at 3:58 AM, Hydro said:

when I choose enpass keyboard, it remains that way even after when I just need to type text (where I use Gboard,)

Is it possible to automatically move to another keyboard when the time above is done


Sorry to say, but No! At the moment Keyboard switcher is as-it-is provided by Android and we can't customize it further, In this case, you have to manually switch to other keyboards.



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