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v5.4 - in export CSV excel file not work hooks and commas in letters


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I using in enpass export function. Into previous version exist option only export into .txt file
in txt file works / support hooks and commas in letters.

Last version enpass 5.4 brings new feature in export "CSV". It's big news and I am + for this. Really thanks enpass team for this feature :-)

But I have with CSV two problems, one smaller and one bigger:
1) first problem, why is default exported csv this name? xxx.csv.txt?
This is bug or what
2) second probem, bigger for my language (czech language), that exported csv file not support hooks and commas in letters
Please is planned fix problem number 2? I use exporting and I prefer file csv versus txt but we need hooks and commas
in exported txt files are hooks and commas okay and works, only in csv not :-/

Thanks for answer

Edited by PepeCZ
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