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Restoring data via backup file


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A recent Mojave update deleted by desktop and seems to have wiped out my enpass data.  I have the backup file available, however when I try to use it to restore data, it asks for the master password of the file, which I enter - but it won't accept it.  Please tell me how to restore from backup file - I have hundreds of passwords I need to recover.  Why won't it accept my master password??  Please help.  I'm desperate and need to fix this ASAP!!!  

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Hi @CarrieVen88

Please make sure you are using the correct master password by checking the caps lock off. Also, please try copy and pasting your master password in the password field to check if that works. If the problem persists, please drop us an email at support@enpass.io so that we can help you better.

  • On which all devices (along with OS version) are you using Enpass?
  • Which Enpass version are you using on each device?
  • Which cloud services are you using?
  • Does your master password contains any special character?
  • Are you able to access all Enpass data on any of the devices?

Thanks for your co-operation.

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