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As often used Touch ID, let me forget the master password.

I forgot my master password can only use Touch ID,How to reset APP?

I have backed up the password I recorded in it。

Can I drop this password library?

Download a new APP from AppStore。

I purchased the Pro version,Re-download or pro ?

I am a Chinese user, the English level is not good。


Guest Vikram Dabas

Hi @ak79744600 ,

Sorry to inform you but if you have forgotten your master password, then there is no way to recover it. Check out here to know more.

Also, if you have enabled any cloud sync or saved a backup of your database either manually or over WiFi, then still Enpass requires your master password to allow access to your database.

As you mentioned, can you use your Touch ID to access your Enpass database? Well, in this case, the only way to recover your Enpass items is to manually share  each item either via Mail or iMessage from your mobile device. Then download Enpass on a desktop device, create a new keychain and manually add each shared item one by one.  And make sure after recovering all the data to Enpass, you delete the data from mail or iMessage to avoid any data breach.

I know it's a bit tedious, but it's the only way to recover your database.

Thank you. 


@Vikram Dabas

Thank you for your reply, I have successfully reset the IOS APP and put a new password database。

PC ENPASS unloading after re-download a link will also be the old password database, ask how to delete the old password database?


Hi @ak79744600,

Thanks for writing in. Please follow these steps:

For Windows: 

  • Quit Enpass.
  • Delete Enpass files from your system. To delete files follow the path:
    Go to User Documents--> Delete Enpass folder.

For Mac: 

I. App downloaded from Mac App store: 

  • Quit Enpass.
  • Go to User --> Library Folder--> Containers --> in.sinew.Enpass-Desktop --> Data folder--> Library--> walletx.db--> Delete it.
    NOTE: Usually Library folder is hidden, so make it visible by pressing and holding the Option key.

II. App downloaded from Enpass website:

  • Quit Enpass.
  • Go to User Documents --> Enpass folder--> walletx.db--> Delete it.

NOTE: If you have ever synced your keychain with any supported cloud, you need to delete the file from the cloud too.

Hope this helps!



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