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copying and pasting a password


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I have a problem that is exhibited when copying a password from an Enpass Record.

This occurs on Windows Mobile 10 (10.0.14393.694) and Enpass for Windows 10 mobile (5.2.4)

I use the copy function to copy a password and paste this into mobile website password field (not using any Enpass browser functions)

But when the credentials are submitted, they fail.

Alternatively If I manually type out the same password into the mobile web browser, the credentials are successful.

It's like a hidden character is inserted within the pasted password, making the password incorrect and retyping it cures this.

This is quite inconvenient.

Has anyone else had this issue?

If so, is there a fix or workaround?

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Hi @Mazerati,

Thanks for writing to us. It could be an issue with the website you're trying to autofill in, as some websites doesn't take the passwords pasted into their password fields for security reasons. You can verify this by

  • pasting the password out of Enpass into any text editor on your phone and see if it matches with original.
  • writing the correct password somewhere on phone and then paste it from there into the website you're trying to autofill. If it works, problem could be with Enpass (please let me know in that case).


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