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Android cannot authenticate SSL webdav with Synology


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I have just installed version 5.4.8 on my android 6.0.1, it's still the free version

I'm trying to sync with my Synology diskstation but I'm stuck on the authenticating phase.
the same url user and password works fine form pc

the certificate is a self signed certificate


Any suggestion ?

Just performed an additional test:
it works fine if SSL is not used


...and I've just found a solution:

I have modified the way the server handle SSL connection. See the attached image. I had it on intermediate when not working, just switched to modern.
What this means in terms of protocol accepted or refused, I don't know. I only know that it works now 


Edited by abiaresi
found a solution
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Hi @abiaresi,

Glad you find the way to work it out and Modern compatibility is what you need for maximum security. However, if you really need Intermediate compatibility for some reason, please share a demo account on your WebDAV to us at support@enpass.io or via personal message to me so that we can investigate where the problem could be and try to fix asap.


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