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Enpass Discussion Forum

Frequent Sync Error with Google Drive: Error 415993


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I use the Windows 10 premium desktop version of Enpass (V6.2.0) on my notebook and on my home PC. I also use Enpass on my Android Smartphone and on my iPad. All of them synchronize a single vault using my personal Google Drive account. The machine that I use the most (and the one where I make all the updates of my passwords) is the notebook with Windows 10.

Almost once every couple of days I get a sync error on this machine (error code 415993) and the only solution so far is to disable and reenable the sync on this machine. But this is such an inconvenience and makes me doubt of the reliability of the sync process. It also makes me afraid of loosing any of the latest changes.

Are these problems due to Google Drive? If I change to OneDrive, will I get a more reliable experience? Where can I find information on the error codes? Is there a better solution other than disabling and re-enabling the synchronization?

Best regards,


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Hey @FernandoAg,

Welcome to the forum! 

We regret the inconvenience. Assuming that you only disconnect the sync on Windows notebook, you can try disconnecting the sync from all devices and later re-connect it.

On 11/5/2019 at 12:11 AM, FernandoAg said:

Are these problems due to Google Drive? If I change to OneDrive, will I get a more reliable experience?

There could be a temporary glitch with Enpass - Google Drive sync causing this issue. You may switch to OneDrive if it's feasible; it appears promising.

Let us know if this helps.



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