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Old enpass pro


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Hi. I am using an old pro version before 2015 I think. I always used a backup of your app when using a new phone. So I never had to register again. But I think there were only 5 installations allowed or something like that. Sorry  very long time ago....

Do this old user get pro? Or do I have to spent the 12 euro as long as it works ?


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22 hours ago, Ankur Gupta said:

Hi @Mije,

Thanks for being an Enpass user. If you were using the Pro version before, you can certainly unlock all the features by registering with an email.

On which platform are you using the Pro version? And how many platforms are you using now?



On Android and PC.  It was not bought from PlayStore. 

Found an old email from beginning 2016.

I don't want to loose the pro but I do not like Abos

Your purchase has been bound with Google account xxxxxx@gmail.com. Using this account, you can unlock the pro version on maximum 5 different Android devices.


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9 hours ago, Ankur Gupta said:

Hi @Mije,

You must get the Pro version. Please update to latest version 6.3.0 on all of your devices and use the same Email with which your purchase has been bound. If you are having any issue please drop us an email on support@enpass.io.

Yes thank you that worked for me. 6.3.0 was not in German PlayStore until today.

Have a nice day

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