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I can't find ENPASS under Programs and Features in Windows 10 and just this in the Microsoft Store.

On the other hand, I have all those other things on my computer. How do I get rid of them?


/hans peter




Hi Garima Singh

Thanks for Your try!

However, the animation was of no help. It passed by too fast. Instead, I was thinking about what you were trying to say. I found a button on the desktop with which I could start Enpass, but not open it. I thought you were trying to show me something inside Enpass. I therefore took the opportunity to register and with the help of the code I entered the program. But the window that opened didn't look like what you had sent to  me.

What next? I looked at the magnifying glass and searched for Enpass. I then got  the page you had sent to me (which, by the way, was very blurry and barely readable). I used the Uninstall function and now much of Enpass disappeared. However  36 of the 42 files I sent you in the picture remains. (What is left in the register you may wonder? :()

Can't you remove the entire Enpass?

K.r./hans peter


Hi @hans peter,

Sorry for the trouble you are going through.

There are primarily the following files present in your system:

  • You have also installed the extension app from Windows Store named "Enpass extension for Microsoft Edge". The files in folder "SinewSoftwareSystems.EnpassextensionforMicrosoftEd_fwdy0m65qb6h2" are for that app. If you need to delete them, you have to uninstall this extension app also.
  • The files in the folder C:\Windows.old\ are created by Windows OS at the time of Windows update as a backup measure. They are not removed when the app is uninstalled. You can manually delete them if you want to.
  • Also, the files in the Temp folder can be deleted manually, and it is safe to do so.


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