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Enpass Discussion Forum

Chrome focus is not restored after filling credentials

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I noticed that when I use keyboard shortcut or click on Enpass extension icon in Chrome then after choosing login its details are filled in in the page's form but Chrome focus is lost and I have to click the browser window in order to be able to submit login using keyboard.

I found the issue has been reported previously and reportedly fixed but it stills occurs on my machine.

Best regards,


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Guest Akash Vyas

Hey @Piotrek

Sorry for the inconvenience. 

In order to help you with this, I'm going to need some information from you. So please let me know:

  • On which device (along with OS version) are you using Enpass?
  • Which Enpass and Extension version are you using?
  • Are you facing this problem on a specific website (if so please mention its URL) or all of them? 

Awaiting your response.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys,

Sorry to hear about your trouble and we apologize for the inconvenience. We have tested this issue in our lab with the same configuration of the device but were unable to reproduce this issue. However, our testing team is already looking into it and we will keep you updated on it.

Thanks for your cooperation.

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