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Bug with cloud sync (OneDrive)


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On my main PC I am running Windows 10 (RTM) with Enpass 5.2.0 and, occasionally, I notice that the OneDrive sync seems to just stop working and when I go to check it is constantly synchronizing. If I disconnect the OneDrive sync and delete the Enpass folder from my OneDrive I am able to get the sync to work again normally.



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Hi @SchattenMann
Thanks for reporting the issue. Please provide some more details as follows:

  • On which device (Along with OS version) are you using Enpass?
  • Which Enpass version are you using?
  • Have you tried any other cloud as well?
  • Any Antivirus/Firewall/third party network security or Proxy are you using?

Please also message the details of a demo account on your ownCloud (This is a must).

We will get back to you after investigating it further.


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Hi Anshu,

At the moment I have 2 x Win 10 PC and 2 x Iphone 5s/6 with iOS 9.

Enpass Windows Version 5.2.0

No I haven't tried any other cloud as I want to keep the Synch "in-house". I've been using ownCloud for a couple of years now and never had any issues, plus Enpass iOS don't seem to have any issues when syncing.

No Antivirus/firewall that could be messing with Enpass

I'll create and email you a demo account, thanks!

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8 hours ago, SchattenMann said:

Hi Anshu,

At the moment I have 2 x Win 10 PC and 2 x Iphone 5s/6 with iOS 9.

Enpass Windows Version 5.2.0

No I haven't tried any other cloud as I want to keep the Synch "in-house". I've been using ownCloud for a couple of years now and never had any issues, plus Enpass iOS don't seem to have any issues when syncing.

No Antivirus/firewall that could be messing with Enpass

I'll create and email you a demo account, thanks!

Which version of Owncloud are you using? I use also ownlcoud and the sync works perfectly :D

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