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Why sync service is most reliable


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I have been using iCloud to sync, but I am unhappy that when the Windows or Linux desktop apps are unable to sync due to expiry of iCloud access, they do not give any warning.  (The Mac desktop does give a warning).  This resulted in a newly created login which I needed to access away from home was not available as the desktop had not synced.  When I checked I found at least 1 weeks worth of updates had not synced.

So which sync service have people found to be the most reliable so that I don't have this issue again?

Thank you!

Edited by xyzzy
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for the reply.  However the issue I raised was not the loss of sync, but that no warning is given that sync is not working.  Using another cloud provider with WebDAV the sync symbol in the top left has a red ring when sync is not working.  With iCloud the symbol remains white as if everything is working correctly.  Similarly the Sync setup page does not show a problem, it simply does not show a "last synced" time (WebDAV shows a warning message).



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Hey @xyzzy

Thanks for writing back.

17 hours ago, xyzzy said:

the issue I raised was not the loss of sync, but that no warning is given that sync is not working.

I understand your concern and also I have forwarded this request("last synced" time with a warning message if the sync is not working) to the concerned team for further consideration.

17 hours ago, xyzzy said:

Similarly the Sync setup page does not show a problem, it simply does not show a "last synced" time (WebDAV shows a warning message).

Enpass keeps you informed about the latest successful data sync by updating Last Synchronized time stamps. For more details, please refer to this link.


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