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copy clipboard auto new generate is silly.

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i didn't realize just how much i generate passwords until now but I think whenever yall integrated the "new" auto generate password on copy / clipboard feature is insane. absolute silly. horrible idea.

  1. CTRL + G
  2. Click "copy" button
  3. Horrible Bell & Whistle -- New password on click??? No reason.

It doesn't even make any sense. What the hell does the Reload (or refresh) Icon even do? What is that icon to the right of it? How does any of that differ from the COPY button?

Can I disable this useless feature?


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Good afternoon webmaster y Garima

The same happens to me, but in this case what I have detected to others, is that when you want to add a new login element and you want to generate a password for that website, by pressing the "password" button, the window that appears you can see a password that has been automatically generated and when you click on the "Complete" button, the field corresponding to "password" of the form for the new login element is filled in, but the password that is filled in the form does not match the one seen or chosen in the corresponding window to generate password.

- OS Windows10 home 1909  build18363.752  (Purchased from the Microsoft Store)

A greeting.



Version enpass.png

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