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Unable to log into Mobile but can log into Desktop

Chris w

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I am trying to set up enpass for the first time. 

I set up the desktop app first (6.4.1 (643)) and chose to sync it to a local folder. 

On the Android I chose to restore from Local Storage and i browse to the vault.enpassdbsync file. 

When I click that file, it asks for the master password but always says its wrong. That is the same file that is on my desktop (they are synced between my phone and desktop via a cloud system). And even on the desktop, I put my password in and it works just fine. 

Do you know what the issue is?

Edited by Chris w
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Hi @Chris w

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.

Please share the following details so that we can investigate where the problem could be.

  • On which devices and OS versions (mention all) are you using Enpass?
  • Which Enpass version are you using on each device?
  • Which cloud are you using?
  • Does the Date and Time setting set to automatic on all devices?
  • Does the last synced time get updated on the sync page?


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Hi @Garima Singh thanks for the quick reply. 

  • On which devices and OS versions (mention all) are you using Enpass?
    Android Phone
    Windows 10
  • Which Enpass version are you using on each device?
    Android Phone - OS 7.1.1 , Enpass v.
    Windows 10 Laptop - Enterprise Edition 10.0.17134 Build 17134, Enpass v. 6.4.1 (643)
  • Which cloud are you using?
    Synology Drive on Windows
    Synology DS File on Android 
  • Does the Date and Time setting set to automatic on all devices?
  • Does the last synced time get updated on the sync page?
    Yes it does
    I also ran a checksum on the file that Enpass desktop is looking at, and compared it to the checksum on the file the android device is looking at and they are identical.
Edited by Chris w
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Hey @Chris w

Thanks for writing back.

22 hours ago, Chris w said:

Being brand new to Enpass I just want to verify that the "vault.enpassdbsync" is the correct file to be pointing to? I see in some other posts how there is a wallet file but I am not familiar enough yet to know the difference. 

Yes, "vault.enpassdbsync" is the file format of Enpass v6 synced with the cloud and "vault.enpassdbbackup" is the backup file format of Enpass v6 while 'walletx' is the file format of Enpass v5.

I would like to share that our team is already aware of the issue and I have created an improvement ticket for the same. Meanwhile, you can restore the Enpass database on the Android device via sync with cloud or via WiFi backup and restore services. To restore the data using WiFi restore option, please follow the below steps-

Step: 1

  • Open Enpass on your Windows device (where all your database exists).
  • Take the backup of the Enpass database and save it manually on the device.

Step: 2:

  • Open Enpass on your Android device (where you are having a problem).
  • Take the backup of Enpass data and save it locally on the device settings.
  • Go to Advanced settings --> Apply " Erase Everything" function.
  • Now open Enpass --> It will display a welcome screen.
  • Click on the "RESTORE EXISTING" option.
  • Click on WiFi
  • Enter the URL address visible in the Android device to the Windows System (where you have taken the backup). Please refer to this link.

Thanks for your co-operation.

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Hey @Garima Singh

I was doing some more testing to see what other options I had. And I ran into the error also when you try to connect a brand new computer to the vault file. 

The only options for a new win 10 install is to restore from cloud or restore from a backup file but the vault file in a Folder Sync set up is not considered a backup file and therefore fails as well. 

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Hey @Chris w

Thanks for writing back.

The above solution I gave is to restore the data in Android/iOS device and the same will not be applicable on any desktop as restoring data over WiFi is not available on desktops. To restore the data in other desktop, you can use cloud sync or also using the backup file.

Please follow the below steps to transfer(restore) the data from PC to any other device using a backup file -

  • Take the complete backup of Enpass data from your desktop using these steps. Open Enpass > Click on 'Backup all vaults' from the menu > Select the location and save it.
  • Now login to your cloud account on your desktop and upload the backup folder in the Enpass app folder.
  • Now login to your cloud account on your other device, download the same backup folder data and save it locally.
  • Open Enpass on your the other device(in which you downloaded the backup data folder)--> Settings --> Advanced --> Apply Erase Everything function > when the Welcome screen appears, restore the data from the backup file saved locally. Note: Before uninstalling the app make sure you already have the backup of Enpass data.


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