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Desktop browser - new website account registration workflow


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I'm not sure if I'm simply using Enpass 'wrong', but I find the process of creating a new website login card in Enpass quite clunky.

I'm using Enpass on Windows 10 with new Edge browser (primarily) and sometimes Chrome.

I understand that if I go to a website and register a new account, Enpass will prompt if I want to save that. However, I've already had to go into Enpass and manually create a new Login card so that I can generate a strong password!

Ultimately, the workflow becomes:

  1. Go to new website and start new account registration process
  2. Open Enpass
    1. Click 'Add item'
    2. At Add Item pane Click 'Login'
    3. At Choose Template pane Click 'Default'
  3. Depending on what is easiest, enter new account registration details in website registration form (easier this way as the browser will suggest previous)
  4. Copy & Paste these back into Enpass (or retype them)
  5. In Enpass, generate a password
  6. Copy & Paste this back into the web form
  7. Complete website new account registration
  8. Have Enpass then ask to update/overwrite the card you were just creating (ignore)
  9. Done

Please let me know if I'm making this harder than it needs to be.

The password generation seems to be the key step that forces you to start things off in Enpass. If there was a way of filling in the webform and when you get to the Password, have some way to invoke Enpass to generate the password, complete the webform and THEN have Enpass capture and store everything, this could all be a lot easier.

Edited by Anthony
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Hey @Anthony

Thanks for using Enpass and writing to us.

Saving New Logins- When you login to any web-page with a new information (not saved in Enpass database), Enpass automatically detects that attempt and prompts to save the information as a new item, and all this without switching to Enpass App. For more details, please refer to this link.


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Thanks Garima, but that just confirms my point. In that document workflow, where/how did I generate the password?

It's no good saving the new login if I've already had to be in Enpass to generate a strong password BEFORE I complete the new login!

Again, if I'm missing something here, please let me know. But having read the article you linked, I don't think I am.

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