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Enpass assistant starts when login to router


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Hi Guys,

it is really annoying. 

Every time when i log in e.g to my router or raspberry the assistant starts and asks for authentication. What for? 

Even when i mark the ip address to be ignored for automatic saving or disabling the automatic saving for new entries, this dialogue comes up.

Am i missing something? How can i disable this?




Edited by Ulmisch
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Hi Pratyush,

thx for your support.

Here are my informations:

Macbook Pro Mac Os 10.15.4 (same happens with 10.14.x)

Enpass Version 6.4.2


1. Browsing to the IP of my Fritzbox

2. type in my password (not stored in enpass) and confirm (enter) - screenshot 1

3. enpass assistant comes up - screenshot 2



Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-26 um 18.14.48.png

Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-26 um 18.16.26.png

Edited by Ulmisch
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