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Wrong username with autofill


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I'm having an issue with several web sites where the email address is being entered in the username field for the site even though there is a separate username stored in Enpass.  I have to move the email address associated with the Enpass entry to the notes field to prevent it from filling in the user name field at the site.  I'm using Enpass version on my Pixel 2 running Android 10.  This functions differently on my Windows 10 desktop which fills the proper username on the same site.

Edited by Ingrove
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Hey @Ingrove

Sorry for the trouble you are going through.

We would like to share that Enpass uses the first ‘field type’ that is either username or email to auto-fill the username/email field. For eg; if the field type of username is numeric or any other apart from email and username. Then Enpass will not fill it. Please change the username field type to the username only and then try to auto-fill the details. Also, you can refer to this link.


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Thank you for your response.  Unfortunately, it doesn't really solve the problem.  Enpass is auto-filling the user name field on some web sites with the email address information instead of the information stored for the user name. 

In Enpass, the Username field is set to (type = username) and the E-mail field is set to (type = email).  If I set the E-mail field (type = text), Enpass functions correctly.  This only happens in the Android version on Enpass.  The desktop version fills in the correct information without having to change the E-mail field type to text.

Unless there is an explanation I will continue to define the E-mail address field as (type = text).

Thank you.

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Hi @Ingrove,

We need a little input from you, so please let us know the following details so we can help you better:

  • Are you facing this problem on all websites and apps? It possible, please share the name of the website/App.
  • Which browser are you using as a default browser and its version?
  • Are you facing this problem when you try to Autofill via Autofill using Accessibility or Android autofill service?

Thanks for your co-operation.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey @STiK

Sorry for the trouble you are having.

I have shared your inputs to the team. Hopefully, an update for Enpass will be released soon in which we've significantly improved auto-fill feature. Please stay tuned for the new update and let us know if the problem still persists after the updated version.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey @Enpass_User

Welcome to the forum!

We need a little input from you, so please let us know the following details so we can help you better:

  • On which device and OS version are you having this issue?
  • Are you facing this problem on all websites and apps? It possible, please share the name of the website/App.
  • Which browser are you using as a default browser and its version?
  • Are you facing this problem when you try to Auto-fill via Auto-fill using Accessibility or Android auto-fill service?

Thanks for your co-operation.



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Same issue for me.  Using Enpass and Android 10.  I don't have an exhaustive list of when it happens, but I've primarily experienced it when I'm using the Android Autofill in an installed App.  Examples from this morning were the TD Ameritrade app, Fidelity app, and American express app (was working on finances).  I've resorted to moving my email address to the notes field, as was mentioned by another user, for a work around.

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