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Minor Glitches


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Two minor glitches, but thought I’d mention them.

Windows 10 Pro 1909 / Enpass 6.4.2 (669)

Desktop app: If I manually adjust the app window to say ¼ screen, Enpass will remember that setting when I exit the app and next open it. However, if I press Maximize and then exit the window, Enpass will overwrite my manually adjusted setting, leaving it with two Maximized positions. Essentially the window size at Exit is what Enpass stores as its Restore Down window size.

If I always press Restore Down before pressing exit, Enpass will remember my ¼ size window. But if I forget and exit the app with the window maximized my setting is overwritten. If pressing exit simply exited the app and wasn’t used to save the window size, the manually adjusted window size could be retained.

Occasionally Enpass will show single website entries in the Identical password section. If I make a duplicate copy of the entry, delete the original version and make a trivial alteration to the copy (add a note etc) Enpass will eventually remove the item from the Identical password section, even though no log in or website details were changed. Some entries just seem to confuse Enpass.

Regards, Thoughts?

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Pratyush

Windows 10 Pro 1909 / Enpass 6.5..0 (707)

With Enpass 6.5.0 installed no ‘rogue’ single duplicate password entries at present, but I had previously cleared those (by restoring my vault from a json file) prior to the installation of 6.5.0 so I’m unable to say if anything has changed in relation to that. 

If the app is closed while full screen it still overrides the manually adjusted app size, so as before the window size at Exit is the one Enpass stores as its restore down size.

Let me know if you require further information.

Regards, Thoughts?

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Hey @Thoughts?

Thanks for sharing the feedback. 

16 hours ago, Thoughts? said:

With Enpass 6.5.0 installed no ‘rogue’ single duplicate password entries at present, but I had previously cleared those (by restoring my vault from a json file) prior to the installation of 6.5.0 so I’m unable to say if anything has changed in relation to that. 

Please let us if the issue resurfaces again.

16 hours ago, Thoughts? said:

If the app is closed while full screen it still overrides the manually adjusted app size, so as before the window size at Exit is the one Enpass stores as its restore down size.

We will next be releasing v6.5.1 of Enpass for Windows platform with the fixes, please stay tuned for the upcoming update and let us know if the issue is still present.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hello Garima 

Just to let you know I recently installed Enpass 6.6.0 (761) and it appears to have resolved the custom window size issue. Now on pressing Exit, with the app full screen, the app will remember its previous manually adjusted app size. The app itself has so far worked without issue.

Thank you.

As further feedback, the new audit section is a welcome addition. It would be helpful if the audit buttons (Compromised, Identical etc.) were much smaller so more were visible in a resized window. It's not clear why a 'No Entry' sign is displayed when hovering over an Audit button with 0 issues and why the button is deactivated. A 'No Entry' symbol usually implies no access, but in this case any section showing 0 is a good sign so a green tick symbol might be clearer. If all visible audit buttons were left active (including those showing 0) a user could confirm the status of any section.

Related to the above, if bright green font was used for every audit item with 0 issues, it would be clearer as to the health of a user’s passwords. Then, if a password was compromised the number would appear as bright red, duplicate or weak passwords would appear in bright orange and expired passwords in blue. So rather than dimmed or bright colors just the color itself would alert to any password issues.

As a final thought. I understand how the website breach monitoring would work, but are there any plans for the Compromised Passwords section to be automated in some way? It's easy to forget that the password check is manual and without regular manual checks the audit section could continue to show inaccurate information. If a user could setup a simple weekly or monthly schedule, to run Re-check all passwords, this would ensure this critical information was kept up to date and accurately displayed.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Regards.

Edited by Thoughts?
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Hello Pratyush

Thank you for the update, that is excellent news.

Two related considerations. As a fallback option for automated/scheduled checks; an option to repeat the check the next day if no internet was available at the scheduled time. Pressing the Compromised button on the new Audit panel could also be set to initiate a manual check and display the results on the next screen.



Edited by Thoughts?
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  • 8 months later...

Is my problem related to this? I use enpass on multiple macs. For over a year now ... on one mac only ... I can only use enpass if I maximize the window. If I don't none of the buttons work - the add, edit, settings etc ... I was hoping it would be fixed in subsequent releases but the problem persists.

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Hello Toronto - I don't think it's related. The only issue related to editing I'm aware of in Enpass (I use Windows) is when the app is maximized it will move the highlighted entry to the bottom of the visible list and if editing an item, it will force close the edit screen, but I can still edit any entry. Enpass are aware of that issue and have said they're working on it. 

It would be worth posting your question in Enpass' iOS forum  as other Mac users might be able to help further. Include the exact model of Mac, iOS version and screen resolution in your post. If its screen resolution is different to your other machines, that could be a factor.

As a thought, if the issue is specific to one computer, have you tried removing and reinstalling Enpass? You could also copy over the Enpass vault (and key, if used) from another Mac installation. You could also create a new empty vault as a test. Back up everything beforehand, and you can then revert to your current vault.

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